Classic albums, grammy nods, rogues gallery of production credits, sneaker deals with the top designers and multi-conglomerate corporations, art expos and fashion show runway exhibits...
But nothing compares to Ye's latest (and arguably his greatest) challenge:
Turning a bonerfied floozy into a domesticated housewife.
They say that, "once a good girl has gone bad, she's gone forever."
In this case,
"Once a renowned jezebel hatches a seed, it just an extension of getting fisted."
But nothing compares to Ye's latest (and arguably his greatest) challenge:
Turning a bonerfied floozy into a domesticated housewife.
They say that, "once a good girl has gone bad, she's gone forever."
In this case,
"Once a renowned jezebel hatches a seed, it just an extension of getting fisted."