There you go moving the goalpost again. Everything is a "slap in the face" to Manny and "more than enough" for Floyd. You're a joke. This dude Manny has never sniffed $40 million even with his base salaries and PPV back end now. Why is $40 million a "slap in the face" to him? He'd love to see $40 million total, but for some reason when Floyd's name is attached, all of a sudden it's a low ball deal?
Its absolutely a low ball deal... and it was basically a duck... How you gonna demand the only other nikka in boxing that can draw over a million ppv buys to accept 0% back end revenue

, and leave his team that already is guaranteeing Pac a purse over $40 million??

. $40 million no ppv take it or leave it??

Does this sound like a person who is seriously trying to really negotiate or make a fight happen?? They offered Floyd $50 million GUARANTEED...guess what.. Floyds highest guaranteed purse as of today is only $41million in 2013...and this was TWO WHOLE YEARS later after he was offered $50 million in 2011 where his highest purse was only $32 million.. if Floyd accepted the counter offer he would have walked away with $100 mill since the fight would've easily done more than double the amount of ppv buys he did with Cotto..
The game hasn't changed, just the face as the A-side. Oscar and Floyd fought in the highest grossing fight in history. Floyd wasn't the A-side and he ate every single demand that Oscar handed out, even the purse. Floyd and Canelo just gave us one of the biggest fights in history and Canelo ate every demand Floyd handed out, even the purse. Both times the B-side received their biggest purse they've ever received. $40 million would be the most Pac cashed out BY FAR! And you clowns keep coming up with creative ways to say $40 million dollars = "ducking".
What you fail to realize is that in 2011 Manny Pacquiao was triple the draw Floydie was when he fought Oscar. Triple the draw Canelo was when he fought Floydie... Floydie highest purse was like $6-$7 million... his highest ppv buys were like 500k.. Oscar didn't say "here is $16 million flat no ppv, take it or leave it".. No he guaranteed Floyd $10 million and cut him in on 35% of the back end revenue so Floydie walked away with $25 million... Floydie was blessed with a great deal that was more than fair and Floyd(who was not a draw) was paid based on how well the fight did in back end revenue
And how does Floyd's actions show he wouldn't fight Pac? Did you forget that when it looked like Floyd would be in the joint by May, Arum said Pac would be ready for the fight then, BUT as soon as Floyd pleaded and received from the court a stay for another month, ALL OF A SUDDEN...."Pac's cut wasn't gonna heal by then"...NO WAIT...."we wouldn't have time to build an outdoor stadium"
His actions that show he doesnt want the fight really started after he beat mosely in 2010, he announced he was taking of 2010 and 2011 off..another retirement for a bullshyt reason

.. during this Arum was trying negotiate with GB to make the fight happen then GB and Floyd were acting like there was never any negotiations taking place... this was a lie of course and they were later exposed for it.. i can go into detail if you want
Now ask yourself this... If you're trying to make the biggestfight in history happen... Why on earth Golden Boy and Floyd lying and denying any negotiations are taking place??
then floydie announces he's fighting Victor Ortiz
By this time in 2011 Pacquiao has agreed to all Floydies tests... and what does Floyd do? Gets on national TV proclaiming he cant except any less than 100% revenue..
Which is pretty much saying he refuses to co promote or work with any other boxing promoter outside of Golden Boy who burned all there bridges with HBOsports btw..
All this other shyt about the cut... arum mentioning the stadium again (which the fight was always supposed to be in) etc was all AFTER Floyd decided he couldn't share back end revenue... which mean he was unwilling to work with Top Rank..
And this is the reason why a fight with Floyd wasnt persued after the 3rd Marquez fight
.... Oscar wanted greener pastures...LEFT TOP RANK! Floyd wanted greener pastures...LEFT TOP RANK! Cotto wanted greener pastures....LEFT TOP RANK! Don't see the pattern? All these guys wanted to fight the best guy out there and they put pressure on the promotional company to make it happen. Top Rank has a history of not making it happen, forcing their fighters to leave to get the fight they wanted. But..I get it...it's on Floyd to stop dealing with GBP who helped garner the richest sports contract in history, not on Manny to leave Top Rank who still has him entangled in IRS/VisionQwest drama and borrowing $10K to keep your donation promises...clown.

If I recall Floyd RAN from Top Rank avoiding A prime brick fisted Margarito and a prime Cotto... I remember exactly what his excuse was... Margerito and Cotto werent no ppv attractions... I guess Cotto was after he caught them two beatdown from Marg and Pacquiao


@ that dragqueen Oscar being the best fight out there for Floyd

SURE thats why he left Top Rank that had Cotto, Margs, and Pwill
Speaking of Cotto... His ass ran from Top Rank too.. Running from that second brutal beatdown Pac was gonna give him..