This Mania is pure trash.
We still have more than a month of storytelling left. I don`t believe in the writers to improve anything.
Drew vs Brock - Drew is my guy, and he been deserved this push he`s getting. BUT, i feel he ain`t as over as he should be. The fans love him, but his crowd reaction is kind of meh compared to others who deserved headlining WM the year they did. Like Kofi, or DBry. Also so far, they`re making him semi cheesy. Countdown to Claiborne kick is forced af. On the road to WM he`s been facing bums. i want to see this match, but the story needs to improve. Ricochet lost so Brock's focus should 100% be on Drew now. Make it more personal.
Goldberg vs Roman is trash in the flesh. Agreed. We all know A$AP is 100% winning. A$AP winning the belt was the plan for him and the fiend. Plus Goldberg is taking his check, and dipping the Raw after WM.
Beck vs Shayna -
At worst there will be fukkery, so i`m invested.
Edge vs Orton - It`s personal, i`m invested.
Charlotte vs Rhea and Bianca - Bianca won`t be in the match. They should have never put Bianca in the storyline. Once you get a glimpse of her character. It makes the other two`s feud look bland. Now i`m not really checking for this. This feud has damn near been more Bianca vs Charlotte, than Rhea vs Charlotte. I don`t get it.
Bayley vs Lacey -Their last match was terrible. This match would only mean Lacey`s winning the belt. I don`t care about this match.
On another note. Lacey needs to drop the forced southern belle who`s a momma bear gimmick. She`s way more likable in interviews, and comes off as genuine when she`s being herself.
Kabuki warriors vs TBD - Kabuki warriors are fukkeryy-bound, and at the very least we know they`ll wrestle their ass off.
AJ vs Taker - Excited for the match. Could care less about the story.
Andrade vs Garza -
could be the sleeper match. Story might be lacking though.
Andre battle royal
Mae Young battle royal -
Seth vs KO -
As of right now, i feel like the writers are writing in circles. I don`t know what they`re going to do for another month.
Street profits vs AOP -