I know it's alien to us, but it's why we're losing our battles in this cac world.
Snitch...I'm not doing crimes with anyone to snitch on them
Traitor...naw I'm trying to show my race how to fight cacs
Here's what happens:
You're on your job. Get unto it with a cac. Cac talks shyt like he's down to shoot a fair one. Does everything just short of being against the law or company policy. Sufficient to get you in your feelings to where you smack him though. All of a sudden the cac who you thought was down to squabbling turns

and tells management. Due to emotions YOU broke company policy and the law. You get fired and is out your job...but I guess in your eyes...you won.
The cac has a fat lip, but your pockets hurting, don't qualify for unemployment, hoping them crackas not coming to arrest you, job searching and woman is

at you.
It's called playing the game. As grown men we're supposed to be past falling for that.