probably so, but he was an artistic twinkle toes before he got into rap

Never got it, never will get it.
Any man who will change who is for the sake of other people

Cant fukk with it.
Lost a lot of respect for Pac when I learned more about his back story when I was a yougin
Obviously your research wasn't all that extensive.Pac was from a family of radical black militants who lived in poverty all his life
with a mother addicted to crack.That twinkle toes shyt was from a small moment in his life where he attended the Baltimore School
For The Arts for 11 months.Ballet was part of the curriculum.It was a core class you had to take.When you're going to school for acting,
you have to learn body expression.They believe ballet's good for that.It's a legit technique.Even athletes dip in that to work on their balance.
During his time at that school, Pac was acharity case.His fellow students used to donate him clothes because he only owned two pair of
pants, and a beat up muscle shirt.Jada Pinkett said Afeni was so gone on crack at that time, there was never any lights or food in the house.
Pac was surviving off sunflower seeds.The rare times they had electricity, it was boiled eggs.After that, it was off to Marin City.A place known as
"Black Bottom".I don't understand this narrative of Pac going from Carlton Banks to thug.he actually lived a harder life than most rappers.Probably
the worse thanks to his family connections & the COINTEL PRO.The alphabet gangs made sure Afeni was never able to get a job.Some even believe
that "Legs"(Pac's step day while in Baltimore) was a government asset sent to get her strung out on drugs.He was the dude who introduced Afeni to
crack.If you wanna know the real about his time in Baltimore, check out this book by Darrin Keith Bastfield.
That's him on the right
But I bet you don't give a fukk about none of this, huh?