Hopefully she gets her mind back on track, but it goes to show you how futile chasing money and fame is in the end. Past a certain point, which is where you can pay your bills and have some comforts, the increase in happiness diminishes greatly. So many of these people in the industry are depressed and a lot of it is because the spirit realm is real and they've opened doors to allow in these demonic spirits of oppression in, whether it be through ritual or through behavior they engage in. The industry rewards her with some materials for showing her body off constantly, twerking and other such nonsense but she probably found out how fake these industry people are and past giving her some material trinkets for using her as a pawn, they don't care an iota about her. In return for dabbling with the demonic activity, she starts feeling more and more depressed.
She needs Jesus in her life because her chasing whatever false idols there are in the industry won't make her happier... she will only get more and more depressed.
The other point is the delusion that is this 'accept me as I am' culture. You can't shame people into finding something attractive that they don't. A lot of big girls have been talking about stop the fat shaming, but at the end of the day, if you want that attention the slim girls are getting, you have to get into that gym and put that work in. Kentray used to be super depressed and the source of ridicule, but he got in the gym, stepped his cologne game up and revamped his life and now you don't hear about him anymore.