For the record, I realize a 100% free market isnt tenable, so I advocate for as little regulation as possible.
this is not rocket science. FREE MARKET WILL NOT WORK this late in the game.
it works only on when you're just starting up because you can go ahead and say not have the FDA tell you that your product might kill people. you can just test it out on your customers. you and 3 other companies making the same product. then once all 3 corps. realize they have killed 100's of thousands of people. who ever killed the least amt of people and have the lowest price on the best quality stuff is the winner in a free market situation .thats the company most people will buy from. then other companies that run behind them trying to sell similar products will have to match similar quality and lower death rates. again we aint having that anymore. no one is willing to risk 100k people just to find out which is better.
so free market/no regulation is out.
2nd reason FREE market will never work for the masses is because in a free market with zero regulation the first people to the top of the mountain will start to kick everyone off the mountain when they get up there. so you and i (little people ) will never even know these other guys have a better product then the usual suspects. its similar to what major corps do right now. they dont want competition. they want a monopoly. and once you get a monopoly. unless you are a very ethical/moral business person. you will not push out the highest quality products at the lowest possible price while still making a profit. you will push out the lowest possible quality, at the highest price point where you can make the most profit while not completely turn your customers against you enough for them to wait on someone else to produce what you are producing. especially when it comes to the production of necessities(food, heat, electricity, roads being built, , etc.)
its simple you cant trust humans because we are naturally selfish and corrupt. therefore a free market will only work for a very small minority group.