True Blue Moon
i'm not a supporter but i think the intriguing part is more than just the fact he killed a few cops. it's the way he worded the manifesto, it really seems surreal. this mixed with the fact that most people kinda sympathize with him on some level. We've all been in situations where we've seen police not act right and just act arrogantly about it cause they know you can't do shyt about it. this whole "saga" just seems like an attack on the police as an institution. I don't necessarily think people were rooting for him as much as they were rooting against the cops.
I didn't want dude to kill anymore people. But i can't even lie, somewhere deep down i hoped he survived. I can't even explain it or call it. like i said, i'm not a supporter of his "cause". but I surprised myself yesterday refreshing the boards hoping someone would confirm he somehow escaped. not even because i feel sorry for him or anything. just because i thought someone out smarting the cops and escaping like it was a movie would be the most bad ass thing ever. almost like witnessing legendary stuff taking place live. It's selfish and maybe immature. but i think it's a type of selfishness that resides in a lot of us...
This. The moral police will consistently turn their nose up, but a large number of people feel the same. We're humans and we feel what we feel