I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
That seems to be the new king's intention. It's possible they will have women on the card in a few years.
Yea this is the start of making things better, and the intent is for them to be more welcoming to other cultures, however that cant be done over night
No they can’t when that one country has one of the most oppressive regimes in the fukking planet. You say help their business like the company needs the money. This isn’t some small indie.
The WWE doesn’t deserve props for catching up on something other wrestling feds have been doing for decades. But yet, here y’all are.
You’re really sitting here comparing civil rights to fukking game console preferences. You nikkas are nutty as hell.
First off you should be glad you don't work for them and should probably stop watching, talking about and supporting their product if this is what outrages you. If you cant separate business from moral beliefs then you should just remove yourself from wwe. The same goes for Lita, if she cant get past this then she should go back to wherever she was before she came back.
A business number one goal is to make money so no they weren't at risk of going bankrupt but to think they were supposed to turn down that check because to a vocal minority they are hypocrites' is fukking ridiculous. Second my point was they can compartmentalize, like they can take their check, expand their fanbase and still want women to be taken serious in their company, the two aren't mutually exclusive. Also if the new king is really trying to move the culture forward then WWE would have been at the forefront of this and that's another thing you cant be mad at Vince for wanting to be apart of.
The Saudis stance on women wasn't intended to be oppressive it was intended to be protective, and while agree that its archaic as fukk it is their culture. I can bet you at least half the womens roster didn't even want to go there in the first place. I have lived in these middle eastern countries and know some women who had the chance to go and they were like you cant pay me enough to live in Saudi, so again this was strictly business, not a moral thing.. 2018 people are way to emotional, yall outraged about every dam thing, must be something in the water
They weren't a joke 15 years ago because Trish and Lita were more over than Braun or Seth are today.
nikka, you don't believe that, trish or lita both know that's bullshyt.