Peter Popoff
Baba Yega in black uptowns
Na, he raped your daddy.Easiest question I've read on TSC
Na, he raped your daddy.Easiest question I've read on TSC
OP deserves negs for not throwing GOAT "The GOATman" GOAT on there right off the bat
One of the girls found in Jerry Lawlers room, accused Foley. She says she was passed around Heyman, Mick Foley, Dave Meltzer, Ric Flair, Brutus Beefcake, Ultimate Warrior, Road Dogg, Brian Pillman, Marty Jannetty and Arn Anderson.
Who are you talking to?Na, he raped your daddy.
That group of guys were never in the same company at the same time for it to have happened
that’s bullshyt
and Meltzer would not be fuking , you all know he’d be in the corner “watching”
That group of guys were never in the same company at the same time for it to have happened
that’s bullshyt