You ever been around a few white folks in a relatively enclosed space, and a rap song comes on.....actually happen to be Kanye's "Golddigger" and the white girl is hyped up with the song (also had been drinking) and she singing along and says "...but she ain't messing with no broke nikka!

".....and her singing/rapping stops but music is still going........
and the 8 intense seconds of silence after she realized and the other 3 white folks realize/re-recognize there is a black person in the vicinity and you can't tell what he is thinking, because he's looking real stoic.
Its like a time warp, like 400 years of history is stuffed into those 8 seconds
Nothing happened (cause there is no correct action per se), but let's just say she somewhat "sobered up" and ain't sing the song no more after that .

Rap/Hip Hop needs to go on a "nikka" diet/sabbatical/moratorium. What difference it'll make, I don't know, but it's needed.