Yes I'm sure you're more intellectual than I am. I fear your superior intellect so much so that I'm not going to respond to you anymore.
Yeah ho
Yes I'm sure you're more intellectual than I am. I fear your superior intellect so much so that I'm not going to respond to you anymore.
I'm praying that Beysus and Jayzus send you a lightning bolt 🌩That's one ugly little glassy eyed shythead
Such a punchable face before u even get to the medley of various subtlety ranging problematic behaviors.
Highkey i would not lose a lot of sleep if this cac got exactly what he been campaigning so tirelessly for.
Ehh. Not Genuine, that's cause they online and Kai ain't trying to Fck up that Bag, he just turned a slip up and potential fumble into a viral clip, now
even Beyoncé’s driver is disgusted by #MuttSetBeyonce and Jay Z said we listening to country music now. Hip Hop is soooooo last year.