Never heard of this joker 2 weeks ago.
Now he as an independent youtuber is upsetting the balance of multiple genres...and the music industry as we know it ......hell of an entrance..
Record companies offering probably tens millions right now.
Listening to some of his older
Production is stellar, and he flows like a beast.
Lyrically, no Lupe or Kendrick or J Cole...but he knows a few things ... the vibe is what it is.
He gone eat off of production requests alone if he is actually the one producing..
All these tracks on point. I realized what I like......there is no mumbling. The Memorial Day 2019 cookouts gone have a fresh contender.
This is actually a Nipsey Hussle situation, where if he had some business savvy he could ride this wave and plot his own course for a minute...then in a year or so come back to the table so they can open up a deal in his favor. Cause right now...all these companies see is easy prey...Hope his team is tight and not falling for a short term bag.