I appreciate your perspective too, dog! I'm outside looking in too, I believe in how I view this but it's not objectively a fact, I only see things from my own experience!
Dudes who are Durk's age (early 30s), who been in The Field half his life or more, the only guys with this history who find it hard to move accordingly are crash outs. Of which, there are alot of em, this is why in real life you have "career criminals" in their 30s and 40s who always in and outta prison they whole life...
It wouldn't take until age 32 for someone moving like Durk, to get wrapped up, if he didn't have celebrity and the shield that's provided...
Durk happens to be a celebrity crashout, and let me just say I hate that the internet just learned this term the last few years. Mf's been using that term to describe nikkas for a long, long time. Kinda like how in recent years the "Pooh Sheisty mask" became a thing as if nikkas ain't wore them joints for years

When I say "crashout" I'm specifically referring to the tendencies of a man who has everything to lose by continuing to fuel violence in his city. This was only gonna end this way and he spoke it into existence because he's shown that this is true nature. No matter how much money or resources he's had, he's gotta keep it g...
But Durk is just 3 years younger than me, we should be from a similar era, so there are plenty older guys who should have told him that his demo ain't necessary. And there probably was at least a few people who did over the years, but when your nature is to be a crashout, your emotions outweigh reason...
If a guy of Durk's stature and celebrity, can
actively place hits and fuel violence, and brag about it on wax and in interviews, he'd be doing the same thing if he wasn't a celebrity, bruh. The difference is, minus the celebrity, karma would have caught him sooner...
He'd be doing this "look at me" stuff if he wasn't a celebrity...
It's one thing to rap your experience thru life, this guy is widely known to go public about hits and shyt he's presently done. That's a crashout, bro...
I don't profess to know Durk's story like that, but I have really good intuition when it comes to guys in the lifestyle. It's just borne of experience, you learn how to watch these guys body language when they talk, you listen to what they say and can hear what isn't said, and I don't have to study it, it's just normal, years of being around Durk's and the same kinda people he's around. This isn't a clairvoyant skill or anything, it's like having experience with anything in life. Things become second nature...
Durk is a dangerous guy because of his willingness, clearly, to go pedal to the medal even given all he had to lose...
All those early 2010s Chicago guys helped popularize drill. Everything is magnified when you're in the public eye...
Durk and I same height, I float between 180 and 190, though. The video with Game doesn't really prove anything as nothing actually happened and both guys were squaded up. It's neither a bad nor good look for either, it's just two guys and they people exchanging words in the club...
I respect that other people may view this differently!
Durk has money, power and influence and has had it for a long time. So he's a dangerous guy. Some people view those guys as g's, in real life everybody outside doesn't, but it's all good either way because when you around those types nikkas either fan-boying or you know how to keep it pushing on your own grind...