No. Just no.
Lighter pigmentation naturally occurs in parts of Africa. Europeans did not have anywhere near the impact on West African populations that they did on African Americans. Over 95% of African Americans have European ancestry, 1/3 of men have Euro y-dna, the average white admixture is 17-20%. The mixed offspring in the slave trade era had their own caste and communities mainly on the coast.
European traders and slavers themselves noted the existence of communities with "yellow" and "red" Africans, knew which groups were most likely to have these traits pop up, and that in such cases siblings were often noticeably divergent in coloring (but pigmentation only). They also noted when lighter Africans randomly popped up and compared them to how redheads randomly pop up in white families.
West Africa is diverse without Eurasian input. Much more than Europe is naturally whether in complexion, features, builds or hair texture
You have known European ancestry. Oguchi and Monalisa do not. You can't decide that they aren't black simply because they are lighter than you when they are straight African and you are admixed with white men tainting your bloodline.
Best way to purify the race is to exclude all admixed people. So keep most African Americans away from Africans so we don't risk tainting their bloodlines. To be on the safe side, make that all. Don Cheadle and Chris Rock both have @ 20% admixture so looks can be deceiving and not even dark AAs can be trusted not to infect pure bloodlines. You could have took after your maternal side and you carry the potential of passing those traits on to your offspring.
You are no better than a light black person. Probably less African than some.
These two have similar admixture results.
Who knows what's hiding behind your dark complexion.