Coli breh's lets stop these gender wars. Instead of making threads about bed wenching let's make threads celebrating the strength and beauty of our queens.

Because our women are queens. Let's make threads about the sage wisdom of Maya Angelou or the strength of Angela Davis. No other race of women on this planet has the strength or courage to endure what black women have had to endure. For that alone they should be celebrated.
Black women gave us life. They are the only people in this entire world who understand us completely. When we are sick who takes care of us? When we need to cry who gives us that moment to be vulnerable? When we need unconditional love who gives it to us? So please brehs I know some of us been hurt or scorned but don't let past experience turns us to bitter against our other halves.
We need each other .
Let's kill this negativity in TLR between black men and black women because we all we got.

In before i'm called a fatherless simp whose trying to get E-p*ssy from women I'll never meet.