Sheahan is now saying that the texts are real but says they were “taken out of context”. She tweeted the following: “About the texts that @imsamcook is using to ‘expose’ me. The morning of the incident I woke up not knowing where I was. That was 3-5 hours after I did the drugs/was drugged. I vaguely remember sending those messages and they were taken completely out of context. When I fully woke up, I called Sam bawling my eyes out telling him the whole story. It’s so hard for me to comprehend that someone that I’ve known & called my best friend for 3 years, who stood by me and supported me through my PTSD from the trauma and is now betraying me. I have no hatred towards him as he is going through a mental breakdown and is off his medication as I will show in the video posted above. I hope he gets the help he needs & I am truly disheartened.”
Sheahan has since deleted the tweet.
Cook claims that his comments should be taken with “a grain of salt” for legal reasons in case anything he’s saying isn’t correct. He said Sheahan told him that “she had sex with Enzo and it was amazing and Toopoor was so nice.” He added that Sheahan was living in a sobriety group and hiding from them that night so she could do drugs. If they found out, they’d tell her father who was paying for her car. Cook added that after she had sex, she was worried her dad was going to the hotel, but her sobriety group knew where she was the entire time. Cook added that her father told her she would be kicked out of the house if she didn’t go to rehab. She told her father she was raped, which is why she did the drugs. Her father took her to rehab, but they said she couldn’t enter unless she was medically tested. She then went to the police station, filed a report and got medically tested.
Sheahan updated her original tweet and claimed she spent 45 days in a mental hospital after the ordeal. When people told her that her Twitter account was active at that time and rehab facility normally don’t allow phones to be used by their patients, she said:
BTW the treatment stay was supposed to be 45 days long but I started using my roommates phone around day 20 to get on social media & I left the center against medical advice around 26 days