They need to add a TRUSTED comic book writer to oversee the JL movies so that these directors don't f*ck it up..
The GL movie can still be set in MOS universe, its TDK we have to worry about and since that's ended, we DON'T need a reboot because everyone knows Batman's story by now....
Drop MOS2 and leave some easter eggs in there.. have it where Brainiac wants the Krypton codex and to merge with the Last Kryptonian and introduce Supergirl as a War Machine type character since Supes was 33 in the 1st movie and you don't wanna bring her in when he old as sh*t. She can be a sidekick but doesn't necessarily have to be in the 1st JL movie similar to how War Machine wasn't in Avengers
Drop a Wonder Woman movie... regardless to what y'all may say, a Wonder Woman movie is gonna make BANK.
Drop the GL sequel versus Sinestro. In the after credits, Sinestro teams with a anonymous figure and this story will lead to the JL film where the villains are the Injustice Gang
Drop a Superman/Batman movie, THEN drop a JL movie..
Give Batman and Flash solo movies after the JL movie and base the Batman one on the Arkham Asylum video game or something.
For the first JL movie, it don't need to be rushed and it DOESN'T need Darkseid like y'all saying. They should do the "VILLAINS TEAM UP" thing and later on reveal that Darkseid was behind the scenes in a future JL movie. If you go Darkseid as the main villain in the first JL movie, what POPULAR DC villain's gonna test them AS HARD afterwards and we know the Darkseid story's gonna be an invasion of Earth and the universe?
and since y'all worrying about a BLACK Green Lantern, they can make it where Hal dies in the first JL film.. leading to John Stewart (the black GL) becoming GL and then setting up the Parallax storyline
and for anybody wonderin bout Doomsday, save his ass for the third or fourth Superman film and treat it like TDK.... where Doomsday to Superman is like Bane to Batman
The GL movie can still be set in MOS universe, its TDK we have to worry about and since that's ended, we DON'T need a reboot because everyone knows Batman's story by now....
Drop MOS2 and leave some easter eggs in there.. have it where Brainiac wants the Krypton codex and to merge with the Last Kryptonian and introduce Supergirl as a War Machine type character since Supes was 33 in the 1st movie and you don't wanna bring her in when he old as sh*t. She can be a sidekick but doesn't necessarily have to be in the 1st JL movie similar to how War Machine wasn't in Avengers
Drop a Wonder Woman movie... regardless to what y'all may say, a Wonder Woman movie is gonna make BANK.
Drop the GL sequel versus Sinestro. In the after credits, Sinestro teams with a anonymous figure and this story will lead to the JL film where the villains are the Injustice Gang
Drop a Superman/Batman movie, THEN drop a JL movie..
Give Batman and Flash solo movies after the JL movie and base the Batman one on the Arkham Asylum video game or something.
For the first JL movie, it don't need to be rushed and it DOESN'T need Darkseid like y'all saying. They should do the "VILLAINS TEAM UP" thing and later on reveal that Darkseid was behind the scenes in a future JL movie. If you go Darkseid as the main villain in the first JL movie, what POPULAR DC villain's gonna test them AS HARD afterwards and we know the Darkseid story's gonna be an invasion of Earth and the universe?

and since y'all worrying about a BLACK Green Lantern, they can make it where Hal dies in the first JL film.. leading to John Stewart (the black GL) becoming GL and then setting up the Parallax storyline
and for anybody wonderin bout Doomsday, save his ass for the third or fourth Superman film and treat it like TDK.... where Doomsday to Superman is like Bane to Batman