If you stan Em, so be it. Thats your right. I however don't, he thought he could get away with throwing shade at the GOAT black entertainer and worse off thought his racist song ranting against black women for being black would fly. He got comfortable and forgot he was a guest only.
How was he a guest when he made that 20 years ago? bc its on a beat thats considered hip hop?

20 years ago. If you wanna hate him for that MJ shyt, fine. but to bring up something 20 years ago that he did cuz he was hurt and ignorant is foul.
i bring up ice cube bc he did the same shyt. got mad and went at an opposite race of women.
20 years later and this shyt is still haunting people minds when it was squashed and dealt with already.
be mad about mj, fine. but u need to get over something u consider makes a person STILL A RACIST to this day.
being racist at heart and saying racist shyt in anger are 2 seperate things.
and a lot of us who are NOT racist might be guilty of saying stupid shyt in anger about a person of an opposite race who did something to us.
thats life and living in america.
but it seems you have no intellect to get over it.