Becky: Might be the most underutilized talent on the main roster, male or female. Can cut a promo regardless of whether you need her to be serious or funny, happy or sad. Can work a match with just about anyone; girl's been carrying bums like Carmella and Liv Morgan for a year or so and her own skills haven't deteriorated at all. Over as fukk with kids and adults, male and female. And yet, they have her playing second fiddle (or even third, if we include Naomi) to Charlotte. Her title reign was cut short for Bliss and they've been pushing her to the side for over a year. And you can't even use the "there's no depth" argument cause Smackdown's women's division is heel heavy as fukk. Plenty of people for her to feud with. They even had an easy setup for a feud between her and Ruby Riot and opted for 6 women tag hell instead. Becky should be a much bigger star than she is.
Bayley: Sweet merciful baby Jesus, what did they do to you? Any claim that certain talents should be foolproof moving from NXT to main was deaded with Bayley. She should have been the easiest possible transition and they ruined her every step of the way. I've said it before, but it bares repeating: that Bliss feud was an assassination. They had this girl go out and get humiliated in promos for weeks, talking about she never kissed a boy, made fun of her for liking WWE (how does that even make fukking sense?!), had her talking about she doesn't want to hurt people when her whole job involves hurting people, and then lost clean. Twice. They booked her like a total loser. No wonder the crowd turned on her.
Granted, Bayley's weaknesses can't be ignored. She can't cut a promo, at all. In fact, having seen her in other things, she's just generally a poor public speaker. And at this point, there really is no excuse for that as she's been at this long enough. Honestly, I really don't know what can be done for Bayley at this point. You either turn her heel with a complete character reboot, or hope they start a tag division so she has a partner to play off of.
Charlotte: Let me be clear. I like Charlotte. I think Charlotte is good at what she does. I have enjoyed many of her matches. But I really don't see why the company is so dead set on pushing her as top face. Everything about Charlotte, from her look to her presence to her promo style, is made for a heel. And she is damn good at playing a heel. With so few women heels who really come across as a threat or can maintain heel heat, Charlotte fills a much needed role for either show. As a face, she's just....there.
Booking aside, like I said, I think Charlotte is good. Great, even. There's something about her that just doesn't connect with me in the way it does with the others, but I don't put that down to her skills as a wrestler.
Sasha: I feel like a lot is going to be said in defense of Sasha, so I'm going to take this moment and say something most dont: I like Sasha as a babyface. I don't like the generic babyface character that gets pushed on her by management, but I feel that way with everybody they give that character to. However, as a performer, I think Sasha can work great matches as a face and when she's allowed to cut loose a little and show a bit of herself, the persona feels just as natural as her being a heel.
Beyond that, I mean, there isn't much I can say that I haven't said elsewhere. Sasha is underutilized and they've continually missed chances to push her career further along. She's not the greatest promo, but she's not bad. Her match quality speaks for itself (the other three all had their best matches with Sasha). Unfortunately, of late, it's been obvious that she's lost much of the spark she once had. Seeing her in the Mixed Match Challenge last night, where you could see she was excited and enjoying herself, made that more apparent. It's just sad to see that happen to someone.
As for my personal ranking of who I like: Sasha = Becky > Bayley > Charlotte