I'm just the loudest contrarian here. There are plenty here who voted Trump, defend his policies on immigration and economic restructuring, none of which i have done.
but i get attention because i don't just speak my piece, i take the time to point out the holes in peoples logic, piecemeal, and that is generally met with emotional responses, name calling, and buzzword rhetoric due to people's inability to handle the fact im doing that.
That leads to drama, and increased engagement rates,
Those two things in an online community are the recipe for notoriety.
The people that hate me the most are the first to tag me in something, first to respond, etc
So now i can't even make a point without someone calling it alt-right/White supremacist trolling.. its almost a running gag. Which would be funny if we weren't quite literally in a cold civil war, in which guns are traded for articles, bombs are headlines, & bullets are unresearched tidbits used in arguments when convenient.
Simply put, i am fighting the form white supremacy yall have grown comfortable with, and instead of addressing that, yall Rather just say im defending the form we already know to fight. White supremacy is an immensely complex issue and instead of engaging me in a open minded, curious, non hostile manner yall instantly go on the attack , creating a perpetual cycle of finger-in-ear denial and name calling that ends up to the benefit of not a single damn one of us..
.. well, aside from white supremacists who understand you control by obfuscating the reality, and play both sides who say they have the answers.
And part of said obfuscation involves our side essentially getting away with questionable shyt while pointing in the opposite direction and saying "its racism over there!"
Further perpetuated by daily coverage of dumb things trump says, false rumors of collusion, nobody stops and looks into what our side does because nobody really cares. as long as the perception is there the facts are just fodder to be used for arguments and forgotten when they fail to fit our bias.
White supremacy starts here. Because if your perception is false, there is no hope. you are essentially trying to fight a demon in the dark.