Willy Waffle
Willy Da Waffleman
Let's be real, aside from Rigo, and Manny, there aren't many southpaws that are impressive anymore
When we look at the 00's there were alot of good southpaw fighters with skill and technique in their prime.
I know alot of people today would say Manny easy but, I tend to disagree. Whenever we look at southpaws
in general, we always get the notion that they're difficult to fight. My question is, in their "Prime", who on
their best night wasthe best,? Imagine if you were a trainer and had to come up with a gameplan for your
fighter, who do you think would bring the most problems for your fighter?
* I didn't put Juan Carlos Gomez , Vassily jirov, thought they were falling off before before mid 00's. Cory Spinks, Sharmba Mitchell, hard for me to put them up there with the other names. Didn't put Sergio either, his prime/peak was really after the 00's era.
When we look at the 00's there were alot of good southpaw fighters with skill and technique in their prime.
I know alot of people today would say Manny easy but, I tend to disagree. Whenever we look at southpaws
in general, we always get the notion that they're difficult to fight. My question is, in their "Prime", who on
their best night wasthe best,? Imagine if you were a trainer and had to come up with a gameplan for your
fighter, who do you think would bring the most problems for your fighter?
* I didn't put Juan Carlos Gomez , Vassily jirov, thought they were falling off before before mid 00's. Cory Spinks, Sharmba Mitchell, hard for me to put them up there with the other names. Didn't put Sergio either, his prime/peak was really after the 00's era.