One family member called him an anti semite
One family member called him an anti semite
Oh, his tweet thread about progressives
Stoller actually is right. His assessments about progressives is spot on.
Similar to what @Skyfall was saying about the 'professional left' bit... they have no power but yet they don't know how to win and their whole vision is based on elections.
Besides the MMTers, do progressives even have an opinion about the Fed? About supply chains? About business and banking?
But he marched with Martin isn’t that enoughThe next progressive candidate has to be able to tap into black support. You can't win the Democratic primary without winning the black vote. 2008 Obama should be the model, he was the Bernie of that race in that he was the progressive choice going against the establishment Clinton machine. The candidate has to be able to go to black churches, go to black communities, and win the trust and loyalty of black voters.