Lets discuss tricking these bytches.


Nov 29, 2012
the easiest place to lie and make up bullshyt are at bars around colleges.


these are the main universities in the bay area. i already graduated but it doesnt stop me from sniping bytches every semester. they're stressed out so you go and pretend you empathize with their midterm stress... tell them a lie or 3 about how much you hate studying at stanford, or berkeley, then seal the deal. it's almost too easy. lie about being new to the area. like if theres a bytch from out of state u say "oh shyt me too im new here"


i havent bothered with regular bars in a while. college bar bytches are usually there in their natural state (not caked in 3lbs of make up) and have their guard down cuz they're there to relax and not break balls or troll guys for drinks.

go with a group of friends, find a group of bytches, invite them back to your place to chill and


feast my sons. feast on these vulnerable college bytches who are more willing to slut themselves out to rebel and experiment than these snob 25+ worn out club/lounge bytches with high miles.


Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
With all the fraudulent things women do now with twitter & instagram, I feel the need to help younger brothers work on their ability to trick these bytches, no not "tricking on" these bytches but rather employing the same tactics the majority of them use. I'm out the game, however I feel it's my duty to help others out there decieve these uncouth bytches to the best of their ability. This is mostly in regards to internet dating that is birthed from Instagram or Twitter meets.

Exhibit A-


I've noticed all the dudes on here seem to think women's asses (white devils in particular) are getting bigger, when that isn't the case. What we have today is photoshop, angles and pants specifically designed to uplift the quality of ass. It's why when pics of these humungous asses are posted, most people say "Where can I find a bytch like that" you mean to tell me thousands upon thousands of internet women have these asses yet men don't see them out in public as often? I say NAY, what is really happening is extreme close ups with fish lenses, or just flat out photoshopping.

So how can a man turn this around on women and post fraudulent pics of themselves on instagram or twitter to trap a bytch into falling for them? Well for starters, if you're short (I am not) make sure every picture you take doesn't have anything in the background that can give away how tall you are, and always angle the camera up towards you. If you're 5'7" tell them you're 5'10" and wear timbs or boots when you meet her, they typically give you a two inch boost. It's the middle of summer and she wants to meet you? Look on Draftexpress.com and check the shoes & no shoes measurements, you'll notice some nikkas go from 5"11 to 6"1, find out what shoe gives the biggest boost (1.75" to 2") and rock those exclusively.

You want to impress her and show off your body? Easy, do a lot of pushups and pullups before you take a picture, your muscles will be overflowing with blood from the pump. You'll look more swollen and cut in that state, make sure the lighting is soft and there's shadows hitting every angle just right before you take a pic. This combined with your newly mastered technique of pointing the camera up at you will make her think you're a 6'4" adonis chiseled from granite. By the time she seems your unclothed less than stellar upper body in person it'll be too late, her loins will just be like :manny: "may as well get some".

On to the verbal stuff, just keep it simple and whatever you think the common man would say just say the opposite of it. Side with womens issues, you want this hoe who is trying to deceive you to fall in love with you for role you're playing. The objective is to make yourself seem as different as possible, don't hand out compliments to her until she does them to you, if she says you're cute just laugh (don't say thanks) and not even say it back, indifference to her opinion is where you want to go. This is all about deception, these bytches are out here trapping you and lying with their weaves, heels, pushup bras and whatever else they got, turn the tide on these bytches my brethern. Lets build on how we (YOU) can trick these bytches, for example when I used to go to Brazil I'd tell women I worked with kids to hit that sensitive button, meanwhile I can't stand kids that aren't related to me :fukkyapost:

Disclaimer - If these generalizations don't apply to you, don't get mad :troll:

RAX 010

Mar 20, 2013
I got tricked by a pof chick once...i should post her pics...maybee i will
But anyway the broad was kinda bad thick perfectly wide hips darkskin wit some big azz lips(her pics on my computer and im on my phone anyway)
But yea i was feening to knock shorty down so bad...so after about a month of text emails and phone sex we finally met
And boy she was looking good...i picked her up from the bowling alley and boy she was wearing the fukk out them turquoise jeans anyway took her to the crib threw on belly and proceeded to destroy some of the wettest belizian and Jamaican coochie i ever had...and the head she gave me made me growl and scream as if i was being murdered...
Then i woke up to the most hideous wildebeest ever....
And then she got my name tated on her tit...
So i said fukk it and attempted to put her on the hoe stroll...but she wanted more...
Fukk that


May 11, 2012
hoes are pathetic these days..they take poorly lit front facing camera pics. with 2 lbs of makeup on, hair covering one eye, angled, pouty faced and then throw multiple filters on the pic :damn:

glad i'm no longer looking the game is rigged!

Asiatic Black Hebrew

Zulu passenger out of Africa
Jul 16, 2013
hoes are pathetic these days..they take poorly lit front facing camera pics. with 2 lbs of makeup on, hair covering one eye, angled, pouty faced and then throw multiple filters on the pic :damn:

glad i'm no longer looking the game is rigged!

A gneeguh like me is still looking. It's seemingly a never ending battle dealing with bytches & all their bullshyt. Don't know how much more I can take my gneeguhs :to:


AKA Chief Green Leaf
May 13, 2013
Being indifferent as to whether or not she was gonna let me smash (among other things) and being really up front with what i want are like the best 2 pieces of advice ive ever gotten

And that shyt tying string around your leg is smart as hell i wont even lie lol

but still :pacspit:


No Known Weaknesses
Apr 30, 2012
This is why traveling is important, the deception you can pull off is just :wow: it would make Starscream jealous or @Soundwave :mjpls:

Don't burn bridges with the chicks you meet while traveling either, there's a good chance they will want to visit your city at some point. Always make the first day they see you the best so you can get in them guts, then tell her you're busy with work after that, until her second to last day when you want to spend time with her. Don't wait until the last day, it'll be obvious you're only trying to get some ass, when you can pull off that feat two days in a row by waiting until her 2nd to last day.

If you gonna lie about what you do, make sure it's something you know, don't tell these bytches you got them CERTS when you can't even install a driver on your PC. If you're a worker drone, say you're a manager, since you know how things run :manny: Stretch the truth, don't break it my brehs.

Travelling is such an ice breaker, you have NO idea :noah::noah::noah:
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King Poetic

I’m Washed
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California
i don't even trick

i go back to brazil every year and it's all good.

especially places in rio like flamengo or Barra da Tijuca neighborhood where the women are top notch but hard to get.. for easy azz the city of god is # 1


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
With all the fraudulent things women do now with twitter & instagram, I feel the need to help younger brothers work on their ability to trick these bytches, no not "tricking on" these bytches but rather employing the same tactics the majority of them use. I'm out the game, however I feel it's my duty to help others out there decieve these uncouth bytches to the best of their ability. This is mostly in regards to internet dating that is birthed from Instagram or Twitter meets.

Exhibit A-


I've noticed all the dudes on here seem to think women's asses (white devils in particular) are getting bigger, when that isn't the case. What we have today is photoshop, angles and pants specifically designed to uplift the quality of ass. It's why when pics of these humungous asses are posted, most people say "Where can I find a bytch like that" you mean to tell me thousands upon thousands of internet women have these asses yet men don't see them out in public as often? I say NAY, what is really happening is extreme close ups with fish lenses, or just flat out photoshopping.

So how can a man turn this around on women and post fraudulent pics of themselves on instagram or twitter to trap a bytch into falling for them? Well for starters, if you're short (I am not) make sure every picture you take doesn't have anything in the background that can give away how tall you are, and always angle the camera up towards you. If you're 5'7" tell them you're 5'10" and wear timbs or boots when you meet her, they typically give you a two inch boost. It's the middle of summer and she wants to meet you? Look on Draftexpress.com and check the shoes & no shoes measurements, you'll notice some nikkas go from 5"11 to 6"1, find out what shoe gives the biggest boost (1.75" to 2") and rock those exclusively.

You want to impress her and show off your body? Easy, do a lot of pushups and pullups before you take a picture, your muscles will be overflowing with blood from the pump. You'll look more swollen and cut in that state, make sure the lighting is soft and there's shadows hitting every angle just right before you take a pic. This combined with your newly mastered technique of pointing the camera up at you will make her think you're a 6'4" adonis chiseled from granite. By the time she seems your unclothed less than stellar upper body in person it'll be too late, her loins will just be like :manny: "may as well get some".

On to the verbal stuff, just keep it simple and whatever you think the common man would say just say the opposite of it. Side with womens issues, you want this hoe who is trying to deceive you to fall in love with you for role you're playing. The objective is to make yourself seem as different as possible, don't hand out compliments to her until she does them to you, if she says you're cute just laugh (don't say thanks) and not even say it back, indifference to her opinion is where you want to go. This is all about deception, these bytches are out here trapping you and lying with their weaves, heels, pushup bras and whatever else they got, turn the tide on these bytches my brethern. Lets build on how we (YOU) can trick these bytches, for example when I used to go to Brazil I'd tell women I worked with kids to hit that sensitive button, meanwhile I can't stand kids that aren't related to me :fukkyapost:

Disclaimer - If these generalizations don't apply to you, don't get mad :troll:

My nikka Malta dropping jewels in here....:blessed: