Let’s Discuss this @Field Marshall Bradley poster defending Reddit Cac Mass Shooters

Jul 26, 2012
I said it in the other thread, anyone that makes it to my block list can't be reasoned with, I'm talking about really stupid people. People that would struggle with "A=B+C, therefore C+B=A", just basic logic. If the guy was really playing some dumb whataboutism following that horrific shooting, just forward his name and comments to the admin once the site is straight. I can't believe he is still arguing the point in this thread.

I thought only racist white people played the "what about black on black crime shyt" but even if that is a black person, he should be banned. No one justifies the murders of innocent black people caught in gang violence crossfire, this situation involved some racist going miles over from where they live specifically with the intention to kill innocent black people as a response to some white replacement nonsense. These are two entirely different situations, but why does that have to be explained in the first place? Just forward the ban for that idiot, honestly. If you are going to play contrarian, at least be a bit smart when doing so, else you end up in situations where a majority of the forum is looking at you like you are crazy, which you likely are.

Motherucka… You ok with grown men pissing in the same bathrooms with our daughters just because they wearing a dress and claim to be a woman……You’se a fukking deviant and a dummy


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Not one lie told… and that’s why they really keep mostly African circles… they just full of shyt politically……. Listen… you’se a dumb bytch/dude that claims Dominican or some shyt… the whole black culture issue has been spoken on going back to the days of Marcus Garvey even…. and prior…. But you don’t know black history and could give 2 shyts to begin with…..
What was the last book that you posted cac bytch?? This dude is trying to play disparage the messenger to turn the tide on his own L accumulation. Who the f do you think you’re taking to?? Df ? Do you think I just joined the site in 2022?

Crash Course: Black American History

Coli Black Male Economic Empowerment Series: Are You Ready For Automation?

  1. Post
    The Root: What books are you reading right now?
    -continued - Here’s the book/pamphlet David Walker (September 28, 1796 – August 6, 1830)[a] was an American abolitionist, writer,
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    The Root: What books are you reading right now?

    Post by: Nicole0416_646NYC, Sep 29, 2021 in forum: The Root
    1. Post
      The Root: What books are you reading right now?
      Google Drive of various informational books and resources. Link is valid and verified. (no tor or malicious coding). Black History Library:...
      Post by: Nicole0416_646NYC, Aug 27, 2021 in forum: The Root

    2. Post
      The Root: What books are you reading right now?
      I suggest any black person using online discussion sites, read this law review article - PDF format for your access and convenience....
      Post by: Nicole0416_646NYC, Aug 25, 2021 in forum: The Root

    3. The Root: What books are you reading right now?
      2)[MEDIA] Black Fatigue is the first book to name and describe a phenomena Black people know well: the multifaceted physical and psychological...
      Post by: Nicole0416_646NYC, Aug 22, 2021 in forum: The Root

    4. Post
      The Root: What books are you reading right now?
      Came across a few yesterday from my online book group 1) Overview An unapologetic exploration of the Black mental health crisis—and a...
      Post by: Nicole0416_646NYC, Aug 22, 2021 in forum: The Root
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
What the fukk is black crime anyway.

Last time I checked the stats, in America a black man will kill another black man at 70%.

A white man will kill another white man at 62%

No one ever has a conversation on white on white crime. Its a smokescreen to spew bullshyt.
That’s why any one using the term “black on black crime” is sus to me and is doing so to promote fallacies, propaganda and programming
https://aninjusticemag.com › black-o...
Black on Black Crime: The Myth - An Injustice!

The myth helps to propagate the notion that black people are inherently violent criminals.

https://www.ojp.gov › ncjrs › abstracts
Black on Black Crime - The Myth and the Reality

by BD Headley · Cited by 26 — Even though most urban street crimes are committed by low-income blacks against their peers, greater risks to the survival and unity of black communities ...

https://www.afterschoolalliance.org › ...
VOX 5: Reasons why 'Black-on-Black crime' is not ...

Black people aren't killing other Black people because they're Black..

Perspective | What the 'black-on-black crime' fallacy ...

Jul 8, 2020 — The majority of the gun deaths in the United States are not homicides but suicides, and white men account for 74 percent of them

Stop using 'black-on-black' crime to deflect away from ...

Jun 14, 2020 — When an opponent of Black Lives Matters talks about “blacks killing blacks” it's almost always to deflect attention away from police brutality and racism


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
What the fukk is black crime anyway.

Last time I checked the stats, in America a black man will kill another black man at 70%.

A white man will kill another white man at 62%

No one ever has a conversation on white on white crime. Its a smokescreen to spew bullshyt.
There is no such thing as black on black crime. I can tell that you actually read and discern information to comprehend rather than to have a talking point. Rep owed.

“A casual sampling of characterizations of black- on-black violence in the media by political commentators, politicians and police chiefs reveals persistently vague definitions of the phenomenon and occasionally problematic associations with ideas about morally bankrupt behaviors in black families and communities.”


“When someone commits an act of terrorism against in the United States, which rightfully leads to anger and sadness, no one asks, “Well what about how many Americans kill other Americans each year?” Because that would crazy, now wouldn’t it?

But, by all means, let’s talk about “black on black crime.” You’ve probably heard a statistic like this before – The majority of black people murdered are killed by other black people. That’s true, but also misleading. The overwhelming majority of white murder victims each year are killed by white assailants. So, when’s the last time you heard the term “white on white crime?”

White supremacists have attributed the fact that crime rates are higher among African Americans than whites to people of color being biologically more prone to violence. In reality, crime is directly linked more to poverty than race or any other factor.

According to the Bureau for Justice Statistics, People living in households with income below the federal poverty threshold are twice as likely to commit a violent crime than people in high-income households, regardless of race.”

Thomas Abt, a senior research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, writes:

“Racial disparities in crime and punishment are real, but they have been produced in large part by a sustained campaign of persecution by whites against disempowered minorities, particularly African Americans. Officially, that effort has ended; overt racial discrimination has been prohibited by law for decades. Nevertheless, the brutal legacy of that campaign — racism, segregation, concentrated poverty, and violence — remains.”
We live in a country where the poverty rate is more than twice as high among black Americans than white. And that has as much to do with 400 years of systematic racism than anything else.
Jul 26, 2012
That’s why any one using the term “black on black crime” is sus to me and is doing so to promote fallacies, propaganda and programming
https://aninjusticemag.com › black-o...
Black on Black Crime: The Myth - An Injustice!

The myth helps to propagate the notion that black people are inherently violent criminals.

https://www.ojp.gov › ncjrs › abstracts
Black on Black Crime - The Myth and the Reality

by BD Headley · Cited by 26 — Even though most urban street crimes are committed by low-income blacks against their peers, greater risks to the survival and unity of black communities ...

https://www.afterschoolalliance.org › ...
VOX 5: Reasons why 'Black-on-Black crime' is not ...

Black people aren't killing other Black people because they're Black..

Perspective | What the 'black-on-black crime' fallacy ...

Jul 8, 2020 — The majority of the gun deaths in the United States are not homicides but suicides, and white men account for 74 percent of them

Stop using 'black-on-black' crime to deflect away from ...

Jun 14, 2020 — When an opponent of Black Lives Matters talks about “blacks killing blacks” it's almost always to deflect attention away from police brutality and racism

Black on Black crime is bullshyt political semantics and you kill where you live… You shouldn’t need an article to explain that you daft fukk… However, there is a dumb amount of senseless violence occurring and I’m using black crime as a differentiator… no more no less… nothing innate or “cultural” implied…. should be obvious but I forget most of y’all slower than a 3 legged turtle….. and quick to run to talking points instead of thinking shyt through


Dec 29, 2016
I meant the last 8 years prior until now…. You got one thread about a pop artist… but can’t link the thread where the violence just associated with him over the last 8 years was discussed intensively… let alone black violence in general…. And only in the internet is dying on a hill for the welfare of other black people is looked as being “crazy”


Dec 29, 2016
Feel free to link some threads discussing black community crime in general… Now, if it’s in the root, I didn’t know because I don’t go in there….cause that section is usually an academic circle jerk about shyt that doesn’t matter….

I am not wasting my time. This is a perverse game to you and you are arguing in bad faith.

Whenever a crime is committed by a black person that results in the senseless loss off life, you can bet money on responses being filled with "For goooood" (referring to Umar Johnson).

You're simply trying to deflect from the issue of racism and white savagery. Unfortunately your reasoning is flawed and, making matters worse, you're trying to justify things with a response that doesn't occur.

You'd be better off shutting the fukk up and apologising, but like I said before this is a perverse game to you.

For whatever reason, you take joy in derailing conversations that air out grievances, especially when criticism of white folks is at the centre.
Jul 26, 2012
I am not wasting my time. This is a perverse game to you and you are arguing in bad faith.

Whenever a crime is committed by a black person that results in the senseless loss off life, you can bet money on responses being filled with "For goooood" (referring to Umar Johnson).

You're simply trying to deflect from the issue of racism and white savagery. Unfortunately your reasoning is flawed and, making matters worse, you're trying to justify things with a response that doesn't occur.

The fact that you are inferring that internet antics posted for entertainment and popularity sake is the same energy that transfers over to real life change in the community, makes it obvious that you are the one talking in bad faith… We are canon fodder to you internet nikkas, and that’s real fukking talk…., I been calling out white supremacy in the worst way since my join date… Y’all are the epitome of what’s wrong with the internet… Won’t bust a grape in real life, but will try to cancel or ruin someone because you may not see eye to eye on single issue, regardless of the resume…, As I always say.. y’all ain’t shyt, ain’t don’t nobody hate nikkas more than other nikkas

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
didn't know he was the same guy, but I always thought it was weird we had somebody named after Peter Vecsey on here :mjpls: