This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Real ironic a white supremacist admits this.
Not even white liberals, progs, conservatives, moderates, admit this.
Real ironic a white supremacist admits this.
Not even white liberals, progs, conservatives, moderates, admit this.
I dunno the laws in chitown but your Glock should be secured in a holster or something and not loosely sitting in your center console.
Black people have been violently oppressed for centuries. What's different is the media focus on these issues and the focus on the "gun issue."
haven't had time to get a holster (they don't sell them in the city limits), which is why I'm not holding it in the whip. usually I tuck it between the seat and the center console when I drive.
Do you have proof?
Why would he get into a fight with his friends?you think that cac would ever get into a fistfight with a black? He's the epitome of coward . Most whites are
Then I wonder what those who lived through The Summer of 68 feel?Ever since people decided to riot in Ferguson/Baltimore, I've felt much more racial tension than before
I'm not trying to absolve anyone of anything. My father is probably older than your grandpops. I know we're oppressed as a people my problem is you just accept whatever the media feeds you.Americas been fukked for a long time and my grandfather out me on game from day one. It's only the naive among us who can't understand that our oppression has never stopped, it's just ebbed and flowed, depending on the economy. So, I'm not heavily invested in this particular tragedy, nor am trying to convince people there's a massive conspiracy.
I have no burden to prove anything and I'm not the one deflecting trying to absolve some racist of his crimes.
RIP to the people who were murdered.
I'm not trying to absolve anyone of anything. My father is probably older than your grandpops. I know we're oppressed as a people my problem is you just accept whatever the media feeds you.
The media isn't moving me one way or the other.
The burden is on you to prove that there is a cast of thousands lying. If you make an outrageous claim you should be prepared to back it up.
you clearly accept whatever is presented.
You clearly believe that thousands of police, doctors, nurses, relatives of victims, lawyers, reporters, elected officials (republicans and democrats), church goers who attend Emmanuel AME & their friends and family are lying and part of a vast conspiracy.
Out of the many extremely disturbing facts and revelations stemming from this unfortunate situation, this particular one seems unimportant at first glance, but if you think about it, it grows on you, in a disgusting disease like way. You realize that people are c*nts. You also realize how easy it is to suppress people through sheer will.Real ironic a white supremacist admits this.
Not even white liberals, progs, conservatives, moderates, admit this.