Doesn't help that WWE as a whole is usually always
status from this point until the Rumble. Shame Us and Shower,Weights,Clue are beyond boring as champs. I haven't cared about Punk since D-Bry stopped carrying him in the feud they would never let him go over in. Sheamus vs Del Rio = Spurs vs Nets in the 2003 finals just end already and get the next season started. They couldn't even make a Lesnar vs HHH match feel big time and that was a dream feud that petered along just came and went.
3 hour RAW's are just filled with more squash matches and time to show more Be A Star promos. If TSC wasn't around I wouldn't even check for most of these past RAW's. I was watching MNF and found out about Lawler's heart attack on here that show wasn't even worth a view before I heard about King. Punk vs Cena has been done to death and if they ain't gonna switch up the face/heel element then just stop p*ssyfooting around with these 2.