Let me mix your beats for free


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
ok @Leezy337

Here is what I did:


I wanted to go to the school to run your beat through the ssl console so I could print the beat with the best sound possible but it was booked through the weekend.

For those that don't know a ssl is the big mixing board used in pro audio

I have some of the wave plugins from the school, I used the ssl wave plugin bundle to get that ssl sound, its not fully there but its close, i say 85%, they did a great job on these plugins.....I inserted the channel strip on each track which instantly gave it that shine....



The 808 had a nice sound to it, it sounds like you layered it with another small bass drum, or maybe that's how the sound was...

anyway On my monitors the attack of the drum was a little forward in the mid range in one area so on the channel strip I had to find that frequency and smooth it out, I used a small bandwidth so i wouldn't effect too many other surrounding frequencies. the 808 sounds a bit better now after this small change

You use a nice snare sound but it was getting a little drowned out because of how fat the 808 was.....it was already compressed to hell but thats fine......in order to let the snare drum breathe a little in the mix I used side chain compression.....whenever the snare hits the level of the 808 comes down for a few milliseconds, this allows the snare to pop through



I used two eq's I used the ssl channel eq to get rid of some of the mid range then I found I got rid of too much so then I used another eq called equality to add some back and some snap to it. These eq's combined made for a nice snare sound.


Lastly I used a tool called rverb to add a slight low passing echo, the default setting was too much so I turned it down a reasonable amount, the result is a faint sound that not too in your face.


Hi Hat-

Not much was done here, I just filtered out some of the mid range and messed with the expander on the ssl strip, the hi hat is more tight sounding and it was sitting great in the mix so i kept it at that, I also panned it slightly to the left.



Bouncing Synth-

I didnt do anything to this but run it through the ssl strip, just adjusted the pan to get it more in the center, and also just adjusted the levels.

Surround Sound Synth-

I liked this synth that you used, it keeps the brain thinking with the 360 pan effect it has going on.....

While I liked the effect I thought......what a great sound, to bad its so thin! So I went to work and raised ALOT of the midrange on this, decided to go with eq and a couple other tricks .


I try to stay away from all in one fame branded plugins but the Tony Maserati Plugin Harmonics Plugin sounded good on this so I went with it to add more color.


Added a little compression.....


Did more a crazy eq boost in EQuality....

I wanted to give it a bigger spread so I widened the stereo depth for this as while by quite alot.


Lastly to give it some warmth I downloaded a demo of fabfilter's saturn.... I put just a bit but with everything combined It give it just a bit more sheen.



I did nothing to the lead track, I was going to add some delay and more effects but you already had a reverb on and i didint want to over do it, I just adjusted the volume and left it at that. I did run it through the ssl pugin though...


Same as before, it sounded good just going through the ssl plugin so I left it as is.


Pimp C-

Ran it through the ssl and panned it to the left, I added a very quick delay to make the vocal a little more interesting in the mix, I also raised some of the high end.

Lastly I put in a DeEsser compression....

When pimp c was saying "see", it was a little harsh, I slapped on the compressor and adjusted the threshold to get rid of that.




I panned this vocal to the right......I think you added a little distortion ...or maybe u just have a crappy mic lol, at any rate....waves makes these simpleton plugins called one knobs i had, they actually are pretty descent so I used the one called drive for distortion.

I then slapped a drum roll convolution re verb on the sample, after the sample it rises to create a little suspense, it was a good preset so i just adjusted the amount.



That's it as far as the indivdual tracks.


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures

the best part about the ssl plugin bundle, is without a doubt the master buss compressor....It glues everything together, google ssl compressor and you will see why people rave over it....I used that on master fader, I also did a litle eq work.

To make it loud as today's music I had to then go to a limiter, waves makes a couple but I only have the L2, I dont like the sound of it at all, so I used voxengo's elephant, it raises the volume but is very transparent which is what I like, I volume matched it with a couple of trap records from spotify and I think we are right where we should be as far as volume goes.




ohhh damn i almost forgot, to get the drums to punch through a bit more I used some parallel compression, its where u copy the drums or send it to a aux, u put a CRAZY amount of compression on the copied tracks and then mix them both together so you get the dynamics of the original and the fatness of the overly compressed one, its a trick thats been used for a long time....


You had alot of the elements going through the whole song, which is fine but there was no suspense to the beat and some of it was even clashing I felt(no offense), so i added parts and took away parts gradually, not too much but enough to make it more interesting. The Intro was cool but when the drums hit I didnt feel like it was a big enough deal so I added a Intro sound right when the 808 first hits, its quite amazing really....

I used Sylenth for the sound(best vst ever).


I also automated the surround sound smith to come down in level once those strings hit.

Well, thats it hope you like it.....

If you dont like what I did or don't like how it sounds please be honest and tell me so I can get a different perspective, I got this to sound good on my monitors and I also tested on my headphones and laptop speakers, tell me what you think.

Thanks again for letting me mix the beat.

password is the same



...come on let's picture the possibility...
Oct 10, 2013
Why would anyone send master files to a total stranger? :mjlol:Yall cats is silly as hell. You don't even bother to tag your beats and you put them in front of the world.