Story I was told years ago by a woman I knew, who did some fitness modeling/competitions, people can choose to believe or not. She told me that she had been invited to this industry party by a friend with connections, and ended up in VIP where Leo and his entourage were hanging out. She met him and some of his crew and was partying for a few hours with them until Leo wanted to move the party to his apartment. She went with a bunch of others and ended up passing out on the couch at the end of the night. Next morning she wakes up disoriented/hungover, people are sleeping wherever around the place and she decided to go to the kitchen to get some water. She walks in and Leo has a chick bent over the counter. She says he just kind of glanced in her direction and kept doing what he was doing. Shocked, she Homer Simpson into the hedge'd out of there. Went back got her purse and bounced.