How much teh Oscar care about a movie floppin though?Leo probably wins.
Steve Jobs flopped too hard. So Fassbender is out for the win.
That basically leaves Leo with the win, unless Steve Carell is absolutely incredible in The Big Short.
i get that they sacrificed for the role... but they have to bring a strong performance not jut lose/ gain weight like Charlize did.
Lol at puttin Ledger next to DDL. Bale is a better example for method acting. But he said he was done with this after his quick weight gain for american hustle kind of messed with his health
Agree to disagree on Ledger I guess. Monster, I remember it being boring as hell and had a sour face the whole time at how they made Charlize look so bad for the role. I guess it was for the transformation or subject? Was about gay female serial killer i think. Largely forgettable movie.