Who were the multiple stars on the 2004 Pistons?
Who was the star helping Hakeem on the 1994 Rockets?
Who were the multiple established stars on the 1979 Sonics?
Teams don't win by counting the number of stars. Teams win by having complete teams. Duncan and Parker and Ginobli were on the Spurs for more than a decade, but they only went to Finals in the years that they had complete teams. If your team has major holes at any position then they're unlikely to win a title no matter how many stars they have.
Pippen was already an all-star in 1990, the year before the Bulls won any titles. By 1991 he was all-defensive too and by 1992, their second title year, he was 2nd-team All-NBA, a starter in the All-Star game, and getting MVP votes.
If Pippen wasn't a star in 1991, then Dumars wasn't a star in 1990, Drexler wasn't a star in 1995, Wade wasn't a star in 2013, TP wasn't a star in 2014, Klay wasn't a star in 2015, etc.