I'm just glad another SOHH rehash backfired
As an aspiring businessman I see the marketing and good press but as a fanThe $75,000 shot was sponsored by LeBronJames.com and Carmex, according to Fox Sports Florida.
Lebron > Kobe
Lebron pipe game > Kobe pipe game. Kobe can't produce boys. If this was China those blaxican(woat mix) monstrosities would be http://www.pictureshack.us/images/71749_c00ntodabushes2.gif
Hmm, maybe this is why Kobe is such a bitter person towards everyone, he has no boys to raise and teach the game to. Nikka probably loses sleep at night worrying his 2 daughters will become pornstars one day.
Hmm, maybe this is why Kobe is such a bitter person towards everyone, he has no boys to raise and teach the game to. Nikka probably loses sleep at night worrying his 2 daughters will become pornstars one day.
lebron is the biggest sambo , bozo , ass nikka walking the planet...i hate that corny ape looking nikka b