Easy layup:
- Modern War Negro covering gaming media (with his shytposting steez)
- Adam Sessler (the grizzled old vet that could provide anecdotes for gaming to prosper in the future)
- Austin Creed (fukkery and mainstream appeal)
- Kevin Perieria (AOTS fame)
- Fro...ughhh Kitboga (putting his scammer show on the forefront)
Then they could have streamers during downtime doing their shows on the platform. Thus, you have a network made for gamers by gamers. Not a fukking wankfest with Frost and em shytting on the same people that actually buy the damn games. And this is coming from somebody that hates "gamers" as well.
Overall, they had a lineup and fumbled the bag because of reaching a vocal minority, no focus on the end game of the network, and bringing an old channel to a new audience that's used to Cops reruns on the exact same network.