and I'm packing 9WTF...she's 16!
neg repSmart girl. Nas is .
Yo this girl is a straight up comedian
Selah @SelahLMarley Aug 23
“@SamuelDaGoat: "@TheUncurvable: Let's see if my nephew likes weed" @FBI @CIA @CNN @BarackObama @FoxNews”
She showed a pic of someone pretending to give a little baby weed and she @ all those people above..
Chick is a master troll. Chick is in a fukks given deficit haha
Why don't you shut the fukk up and head to the salonSo when white men do it it's pediphilia when black men doing it's natural it was done in ancient times.
Why don't you shut the fukk up and head to the salon
don't ever tell us black gods what we can do and think
The likelihood of him being her peer is low. Last time I checked the western world is one of the few places a child like her would be protected from predators like yall. Let her be a kid. black men don't think youre entitled to a childhood if your booty too big. Damn shame.
No youre at fault for implying that because of the way she looks (where have I heard that before -big black scary) you can treat her like some consenting adult when she is not. Not sure why you guys are going to the mat for a 16 year old. Is it that serious? I mean really?
Ive come to the conclusion that the only social justice movement black men are willing to fight and die for is the "access to sex" social justice movement. Nothing animates him more than the possibility of getting ass.
And another thing I notice..
alot of females..(mostly the feminists) shame men for commenting on Lorde's looks because "she is underage"....yet they have no problem with her dating a 24 yr old man when she was 16....
@LadySimone fukk off to The Salon now just trying to shame men,but of course finding a way to make this a "black man problem".
all you c00ns and trolls.