Latinos running blacks out of Compton? LA Brehs... What's going on?


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
ECC is not that deep who lied to you? and the map you're seeing arent ECC hits, those are EVERY surrounding latino gang hits, 18 is going at it with them fools crazy style.

Swans are neutral/coo with F13, so why would they beef?

I already alluded to the fact that F13 is being heavy with other varrios, you can also income Watts varrio. How is ECC not deep, they have been deep since they came on the scene buddy, they are deep enough to beef with everybody around them? You are the first person that I know that said that they are not deep. A lot of gangs aren't deep enough to handle as many enemies as they have.

So, was F13 cool with ECC until a few years back. I'm talking back in the 80s, 90s, and early to mid 2000?

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Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I already alluded to the fact that F13 is being heavy with other varrios, you can also income Watts varrio. How is ECC not deep, they have been deep since they came on the scene buddy, they are deep enough to beef with everybody around them? You are the first person that I know that said that they are not deep. A lot of gangs aren't deep enough to handle as many enemies as they have.

So, was F13 cool with ECC until a few years back. I'm talking back in the 80s, 90s, and early to mid 2000?

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This isn't the 90s. ECC is not deep nor structured anymore.

watts varrios are not heavy weights, nor can they match F13. F13 main rivals are TF, CV, 38th, 18. ALL heavy hitting mexican gangs. (TF aint that hard tho, they getting that work from Fruit Town), and that's who's dropping F13, not ECC. stop it.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
I expect you to ask a question and not make a false interpretation. You're implying that im saying Black Los Angeles citizens living Compton should suppor the bloods and crips in their war against mexicans for control of Compton but im not implying or suggesting that. It is possibly for a citizenry to support local criminals when those criminals are really feeding and building up their communities and are seen in a way as heroes. That is not the case here.

Also, you're looking for an argument where there is none. There are a variety of reasons why Black people who live in Compton are leaving the city. Im not going to repeat those reasons because i already outlined them but i think you should slow down when you read. I think you have a tendency to glance over words and then come to a conclusion before you read and digest every word you looked at.

If i had to suggest anything its that you have a kind of a know it all type attitude where you think your first judgement is always right. I think in life, friend, its best to ask questions so you can get a clear picture after a question is answered instead of having your questions answered by making flamboyant comments.

I think your thought process on this issue is in a land of fantasies and movie scripts as far as what should and should not be happening. We're looking at what is happening and what is probably going to happen. Whats probably going to happen is no militias in Compton will be formed by Black citizens first of all. The second thing is that more Black people will probably flee Compton leaving very few black people remaining and Mexicans/Salvadorias will become even more of a dominant presence. In time if the violence decreases people of other nationalities will move in (Asians, eastern europeans, other latinos, Black people) and the neighborhood will kind of sort of diversify with Latinos still being the dominant population and in time, even this can change for a variety of reasons.

Citizens are not going to die for these streets unless they are completely lost, friend. What people will do is shuffle around, like they've done since civilization started. When the Asians were all over San Gabriel and the Mexicans moved in, many of them moved away from them. It wasnt because the Mexicans destroyed them in street wars, its because they didnt want to live around them due to cultural difference, combined with violence. The reasons for the migration of human beings in this case isnt as simple as saying *its solely because of the mexican gangs*. You're lying to yourself and posters on this site when you say that.

-That's exactlly what you were implying which is why I interpreted that way....Black criminal organizations are always out forself and never the if shyt about the community which they usually prey on to encrich themselves so your argument that it's reasonable for black citizens to support criminal gangs if they are feeding/building up the community is a Robin Hood type fairytale...yet you say i'm the one basing my opinion movie fantasies as opposed to reality on the ground.:facepalm:

-I never rediculed black people as a whole for leaving Compton or other gang infested hoods of LA..Nor did I say that it was a liklihood blacks Los Angelinos would form their own militais..My mocking black gangmembers(whom no means represent black people as a whole) for abandoing their turf in retreat from Mexican gangs isn't a jab at normal non affiliated black people whom don't live by the streets..When I suggest that it would be wise for remaining non gang affiliated blacks to form their own self defnse militias to protect themselves from racist Mexican gang members and even black gangs whom havn't fled yet knowing fully well this scenerio is highly unlikely cause not enough blacks are willing to really fight for a righteous cause.

-Ofcourse normal citizens shouldn't die over streets that don't belong to them..But LA gangbangers aren't normal citizens...They pledge oaths to defend their turf with their lives..Crips/Bloods fleeing from the battle to other cities or even states and leaving their territory to be consolidated by enemy Mexican gangs shows how weak and fraudulent these movements are which should be an lesson to the misguided youth whom look up to these clowns.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
-That's exactlly what you were implying which is why I interpreted that way....Black criminal organizations are always out forself and never the if shyt about the community which they usually prey on to encrich themselves so your argument that it's reasonable for black citizens to support criminal gangs if they are feeding/building up the community is a Robin Hood type fairytale...yet you say i'm the one basing my opinion movie fantasies as opposed to reality on the ground.:facepalm:

-I never rediculed black people as a whole for leaving Compton or other gang infested hoods of LA..Nor did I say that it was a liklihood blacks Los Angelinos would form their own militais..My mocking black gangmembers(whom no means represent black people as a whole) for abandoing their turf in retreat from Mexican gangs isn't a jab at normal non affiliated black people whom don't live by the streets..When I suggest that it would be wise for remaining non gang affiliated blacks to form their own self defnse militias to protect themselves from racist Mexican gang members and even black gangs whom havn't fled yet knowing fully well this scenerio is highly unlikely cause not enough blacks are willing to really fight for a righteous cause.

-Ofcourse normal citizens shouldn't die over streets that don't belong to them..But LA gangbangers aren't normal citizens...They pledge oaths to defend their turf with their lives..Black gangs fleeing from the battle to other cities or even states and leaving their territory to be consolidated by enemy Mexican gangs shows how punnai the average black gang banger are and should be an lesson to the misguided youth whom look up to these clowns.
But i just told you thats not what i was implying. :dwillhuh: You are a very confusing individual. You arent very good at communicating with friends either. I think you need to get the chip off your shoulder there because if you're telling me what im telling you when im telling you thats not what im telling you, you're lying to yourself and thats so demonic, friend. :sitdown: Whats reasonable and whats feasable are 2 different things. Lets deal with reality and not your ideals, because they arent real. There are no gangbangers here. You mocking them to us, is a waste of time. The streets have no honor. The sooner you realize that the more you can stop working yourself up like this, friend.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
But i just told you thats not what i was implying. :dwillhuh: You are a very confusing individual. You arent very good at communicating with friends either. I think you need to get the chip off your shoulder there because if you're telling me what im telling you when im telling you thats not what im telling you, you're lying to yourself and thats so demonic, friend. :sitdown: Whats reasonable and whats feasable are 2 different things. Lets deal with reality and not your ideals, because they arent real. There are no gangbangers here. You mocking them to us, is a waste of time. The streets have no honor. The sooner you realize that the more you can stop working yourself up like this, friend.

Okay so what were you implying then and what did I say which was inccorect? It's not that I thought there were gangbangers here but when I saw what I thought was you promoting Crips/Bloods as defenders of the black race or frontline soldiers against Mexican gang aggression I had to bring thngs back into perspective...That's no news to me and and not stressed over anything written ins thread at all.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
-That's exactlly what you were implying which is why I interpreted that way....Black criminal organizations are always out forself and never the if shyt about the community which they usually prey on to encrich themselves so your argument that it's reasonable for black citizens to support criminal gangs if they are feeding/building up the community is a Robin Hood type fairytale...yet you say i'm the one basing my opinion movie fantasies as opposed to reality on the ground.:facepalm:

-I never rediculed black people as a whole for leaving Compton or other gang infested hoods of LA..Nor did I say that it was a liklihood blacks Los Angelinos would form their own militais..My mocking black gangmembers(whom no means represent black people as a whole) for abandoing their turf in retreat from Mexican gangs isn't a jab at normal non affiliated black people whom don't live by the streets..When I suggest that it would be wise for remaining non gang affiliated blacks to form their own self defnse militias to protect themselves from racist Mexican gang members and even black gangs whom havn't fled yet knowing fully well this scenerio is highly unlikely cause not enough blacks are willing to really fight for a righteous cause.

-Ofcourse normal citizens shouldn't die over streets that don't belong to them..But LA gangbangers aren't normal citizens...They pledge oaths to defend their turf with their lives..Crips/Bloods fleeing from the battle to other cities or even states and leaving their territory to be consolidated by enemy Mexican gangs shows how weak and fraudulent these movements are which should be an lesson to the misguided youth whom look up to these clowns.

You do realize that black families having kids is where the recruiting pool comes from. If families are moving to san Bernardino or vegas, how do you say that black gangs are running away? The fact is that black people as a whole are outnumbered in LA, they are the 4th largest group. It is simply a numbers game for Mexicans, they did the same with Hondurans and Salvadorans, does that make them tougher? If numbers make you tougher, how does that garner respect? Gangs are about self preservation for themselves, not for their communities. That is something that is more in line with Nation of Islam or black panthers, which I'm beginning to wonder if y'all have any over there because we do here in Houston. But again we, as in those in other cities are not dealing with the overwhelming numbers. Houston is like 25-30% black and more are moving here daily. Let Mexicans say they are taking over any historically black hood in Houston, we would be like :pachaha:

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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Okay so what were you implying then and what did I say which was inccorect? It's not that I thought there were gangbangers here but when I saw what I thought was you promoting Crips/Bloods as defenders of the black race or frontline soldiers against Mexican gang aggression I had to bring thngs back into perspective...That's no news to me and and not stressed over anything written ins thread at all.

Mr. Somebody is a tax paying, law abiding highly esteemed member of the community, he would never do such a thing as promote or elevate demonic activity, he told you multiple times that using the phrase "front line soldiers" was not meant to promote the demonic activity of gangs

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Okay so what were you implying then and what did I say which was inccorect? It's not that I thought there were gangbangers here but when I saw what I thought was you promoting Crips/Bloods as defenders of the black race or frontline soldiers against Mexican gang aggression I had to bring thngs back into perspective...That's no news to me and and not stressed over anything written ins thread at all.

Your choice of words is sensationalism and like talking to Bill O Reilly. We arent on television, friend.

Ill cut and paste what ive already said for you so I can further help you understand what im saying.
There are a variety of reasons why Black people who live in Compton are leaving the city.

The bloods and crips are front line soldiers meaning, these are the only people are going to fight for these neighborhoods. If they do not, like you said, the area will be left with normal people who are not about that demonic way of life who will be victimized as they are now. Eventually, many of these people will leave and the neighborhood will have a very low black presence.

they dont have enough community support due to the bad taste alot of their skirmishes have left in the mouths of civilians. People are moving to cities with better housing markets and more opportunities (Atlanta, Houston).

The reasons for the migration of human beings in this case isnt as simple as saying *its solely because of the mexican gangs*

Citizens are not going to die for these streets

The streets have no honor.
I think that helps. We did it. :dj2:


Jun 7, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
This isn't the 90s. ECC is not deep nor structured anymore.

watts varrios are not heavy weights, nor can they match F13. F13 main rivals are TF, CV, 38th, 18. ALL heavy hitting mexican gangs. (TF aint that hard tho, they getting that work from Fruit Town), and that's who's dropping F13, not ECC. stop it.

you should stop speaking on this shyt because I can tell you have no idea what you're talking about

F13 main rival is TF, CV? what the fukk you talking about? :what: first of all CV means Compton Varrio and TF is Tortilla Flats, they are not two seperate gangs
Tortilla Flats is a Compton Varrio, any ese gang in Compton is a Compton Varrio they put CV in front of they name, so why are you speaking on them like they 2 seperate gangs dude?
and how is F13 fueding with CVTF? they miles away all tha way in Compton, not even close to South Central

and ECC served tha fukk outta F13, its not even funny, i can post court cases right now, and sherrif reports of ECC servin F13, sometimes as many as dropping 4 F13s in one week!!! and thats just 76 East Coast in a 5% black area dropping F13 like flies! that ain't even tha rest of ECCs, get Florencia's dikk out your mouth

or go ask your Florencia 13 homeboys what happened to their "Eazy Boyz" clique in 89 EC hood, how they got them eviction papers from ECC for Washington Park, i can post court cases with 89 EC bustin on them nikkas

ask the Florencia in EC 6-pack hood, oh wait, you can't, they all got cleared out a long time ago

its only a few EC hoods that REALLY went at it with F13: 76 EC were the main ones, 59 EC and 89 EC also

tha territory in dispute was 76 EC hood, thats where tha F13/latino population was coming in from Huntington Park, spreading west over tha Alameda border into east south central, they are spreading further and further west (and north/south)

tha F13s got Bethune Park (old 59 ECC hood), but 59 EC stopped hangin there years ago, 59 was already on their last leg, they actually been on tha come up latley and got they numbers up again

76 EC still in they hood, i was just there a month ago, its 76 EC hit up off Hooper and 78th, i don't see any F13 hit ups east of Hooper over there

knock it off already


Jun 7, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
Well when you labelCrips/Bloods frontline soldiers of the black community

say wut? :what:

crips and bloods is not soldiers of tha black community

they looked down upon by tha majority of tha black community as criminals

most people is trying to go to work/school and stay out tha way of all this shyt


generic screen name.
Dec 9, 2012
nyggaz in LA are looking real soft for this, this would never happen in chicago, never

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
you should stop speaking on this shyt because I can tell you have no idea what you're talking about

F13 main rival is TF, CV? what the fukk you talking about? :what: first of all CV means Compton Varrio and TF is Tortilla Flats, they are not two seperate gangs
Tortilla Flats is a Compton Varrio, any ese gang in Compton is a Compton Varrio they put CV in front of they name, so why are you speaking on them like they 2 seperate gangs dude?
and how is F13 fueding with CVTF? they miles away all tha way in Compton, not even close to South Central

and ECC served tha fukk outta F13, its not even funny, i can post court cases right now, and sherrif reports of ECC servin F13, sometimes as many as dropping 4 F13s in one week!!! and thats just 76 East Coast in a 5% black area dropping F13 like flies! that ain't even tha rest of ECCs, get Florencia's dikk out your mouth

or go ask your Florencia 13 homeboys what happened to their "Eazy Boyz" clique in 89 EC hood, how they got them eviction papers from ECC for Washington Park, i can post court cases with 89 EC bustin on them nikkas

ask the Florencia in EC 6-pack hood, oh wait, you can't, they all got cleared out a long time ago

its only a few EC hoods that REALLY went at it with F13: 76 EC were the main ones, 59 EC and 89 EC also

tha territory in dispute was 76 EC hood, thats where tha F13/latino population was coming in from Huntington Park, spreading west over tha Alameda border into east south central, they are spreading further and further west (and north/south)

tha F13s got Bethune Park (old 59 ECC hood), but 59 EC stopped hangin there years ago, 59 was already on their last leg, they actually been on tha come up latley and got they numbers up again

76 EC still in they hood, i was just there a month ago, its 76 EC hit up off Hooper and 78th, i don't see any F13 hit ups east of Hooper over there

knock it off already

Since you seem like the street expert, friend, why were brothas getting shot on the freeway about 7-8 years ago. I remember friends telling me to be careful when i was driving but i didnt listen, assuming it was because of some demonic drug turf nonsense.