Black people will be affected the worst from a Trump presidency.
Black people, and not latinos will be the most affected. Most latinos (legal ones) are mostly integrated into American society already. Most minority groups practice group economics to at least some degree, with the exception of black people. I know it sounds like a sweeping generalization, but consider that even local businesses in black communities are owned by other minority groups who mainly employ their own. The money circulates out of the black community and into their own communities. Latinos (even though it is a rather broad classification) are the fastest-growing group in the US economically, and you can fact-check that.
A Trump Presidency, which further guts and reduces social protections such as Medicaid, HUD, family assistance programs etc will affect mostly poor people who are the beneficiaries, and disproportionately black people who make up a large percentage of poor people in America.
Under Trump, the stock market will largely perform well, tax cuts/breaks will mean soaring profits for the wealthiest companies and people, but how is that a tangible benefit for the average American trying to ensure food is on his plate? What do growth rates, and increasing GDP have to do with the average American who will experience wage stagnation and potential retrenchment? What does "winning" a potential trade war with China have to do with the risk of soaring inflation from increasing tariffs? The effect will be rising crime in major American cities where Democrats will ultimately get the blame for and black people will have to bear the brunt of.
For anyone thinking I'm out here just pushing gloom and doom, just see what happened during his previous term. I'm only just touching on economics and not the social policies that once again harm black people the most.
nail on the head
the OP is cope