Why.....FBA's barley benefit from DEI programs. NON-FBA's benefit more from DEI programs than FBA's:
Why White Women Benefitted The Most From DEI Programs
Contrary to popular belief, Black people were not the primary beneficiaries
Dr. Allison Wiltz Follow
Published in Writers and Editors of Color Magazine
8 min read
Jan 29, 2025
Some Americans are shocked to learn that Black people are not the primary beneficiaries of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Because, for many, these policies are synonymous with discussions about race. While companies voluntarily adopted policies to address racial discrimination in the workplace during the 1960s and 70s, they were designed to help a number of marginalized groups, including religious minorities and veterans. White women have benefitted the most from DEI programs. While women remain underrepresented "at every stage of the corporate pipeline," a McKinsey study estimated it would take 48 years for women of color to achieve gender parity, while only 22 years for White women to reach this milestone.
Why White Women Benefitted The Most From DEI Programs