Breh... I understand where you're coming from. I used to feel the same way. But last month when I saw that plane frozen in the sky not moving, I was in shock. The last thing you think about doing is pulling your phone out when you see something defying the very reality that you've believed your entire life. Its like you're frozen and you can't move or take your eyes off of it.
With that being said, these people could very well be making it up. I didn't even watch the video yet.
But I'm saying that I no longer use the "why didn't they record it" argument as a reason to not believe folks after my experience.
Once upon a time I was on the freeway with my daughters in the passenger seats. We saw 4 “objects” in the sky. They stayed there for a good 10 minutes. I asked my girls to look in the sky to confirm I wasn’t hallucinating and they both kept asking me “what is that” and I had no answer for them so I replied I don’t know and just kept driving, all the while the “objects” were doing maneuvers and leaving trails of golden light behind them. The way they moved was like you’d imagine a dragon moving if they existed. It was legit the weirdest shyt I’ve ever experienced with other people around.
I never thought to take video because between trying to drive away from that area and comforting one of my daughters who started crying out of fear (I remained calm) I was in shock.