rewatching the clip...Charlemagne reciting that white liberal definition of what a nikka wake up call is cringy as hell. Good Lord.
"it is when a person of color gets brutally reminded that they are of color" boy if you dont get your script reading ass outta here. the fuk.
nikka is more offended by a black liberal laying out the meaning of "nikka wake-up call" while cheering on a man that says affirmative action should be illegal, black people are lazy and dependant on the government, crime in Chicago is representative of black American people and culture, that black literature and black history in schools are all part of "woke agendas and should be banned, that racism in America doesn't exist, and all black activists are just manipulative scammers and rioting "animals." But these guys need you to "prove" they are Republic00ns with an obvious political bias and selective outrage?
Mind you this is a guy that would also rant and rave all over the place back in 2019/2020 with his phony ass militant persona about how "acheiving reparations" and clearing away anyone who doesn't support it is his greatest and only political priority. But here he is completely slobbing off a c00n who hates black people, is a complete and total sell out Republican mouthpiece for anti-black views, and does not support reparations in ANY capacity, while attacking the "liberal" who does.
This is a guy who spent YEARS relentlessly attacking "black immigrants" as being inherent "c00ns" who are resentful of and against reparations for black Americans. Demanding black immigrants "need to check their c00ns." Calling black immigrants willing defenders, beneficiaries and "buffers" of whiten supremacists. But here he is for 20 pages straight defending a multi-generational black American man who once published a book called "stupid black people," has made a killing off a career being a black man who denigrated and demonized black power movements for the amusement and approval of white people, is clearly gunning to be chief negro of a potential white nationalist, Republican Party, Donald Trump second term. A man who has literally built a career being a defensive "buffer" between black activism and white people. Not at all "checking his c00ns." In fact he's got his pom poms out to watch anti-reparatikns Larry Elder totally "own the libs." (
@Nkrumah Was Right )
Funny how that works. Funny how all his stalwart militance for reparations and against anti-reparations "c00ns" can just take a nice back seat to his obvious excitement for Republicans. But oh, hes not a Republic00n shill tho yall. He's an uncompromising advocate for reparations and laws specifically for black Americans. He couldn't possibly be a black c00nservative scumbag who uses pro-black language and causrs to prey on emotionally vulnerable black people into his own Republic00n political agenda. No way. Who could do such a deceptive thing.
And then a whole ass coli thread of people bigging up the world's most smug unapologetic pro-white supremacy house negro. Yall please make it make sense. Larry Elder is a full on anti-reperations, anti-black anything c00n who supports white people banning black history and literature in school, affirmstive action, and certainly reparations BY LAW. TODAY. But these same black Republic00ns like Edler and Big Boda wants the black community to rise up in protest and switch their votes because of some inconsequential attempt at humor from 2020? And yall think the people thinking critically and not buying this shyt are cac trolls and "DNC shills?"
I'm telling yall Larry Elder could've spent the whole interview advocating for the full on return of Jim Crow Laws and the reinstating of slave labor as a legal right, and this nikka woulda still made this thread. Talmbout "wHatS wRoNg wIt cHeCkInG tHeSe bLaCk LiBeRAlS! YAll can't FacE rEaLity!"
People need to recognize there are people on this board who go over the top overcompensating as black militants, but are just scumbag coward Republic00n agents and possibly cacs who are completely comfortable with white supremacy, and in fact share white supremacists resentment for pro-rights "liberals" than anyone else. The way c00ns on this boards sgamelessly use black people and black causes for their own agenda instead just having the balls to say they support conservatives is damn near sociopathic.
This thread a trash ass black c00nservative jamborie.