Dont honor these fallen officers/dirtbags. When your family members die, they just see you as extra overtime at a crime scene and at a perimeter. Why would you value their lives when they clearly dont value yours or your family members lives? Ive heard many officers who state they see dead victims as ATVs, Waverunners, RVs and new clothes for their kids. Why would you shed a tear for them when they in return crack a smile for your loss because of the impending extra money they will receive in their next paycheck for sitting at your loved ones crime scene of 6 hours because of the overtime they will accrue. They take photos of your loved ones recently deceased bodies with their cellphones and play a game of who has the most graphic dead body of the night with officers from other divisions. This isnt just the 20 something year old officers, this is the 50 year old officers with significant time on the job as well who participate.
Read more: Christopher Dorners Manifesto | KTLA 5