I know he is going down. but I have to salute Dorner for taking to where the Pigs take it all the time. Like they did Diallo, Sean Bell so countless others.
Give them hell thun!
for as much of a rampage as he said he was going to go on he literally barely has killed anyone? what 1 cop and shot a couple more
this guy is a shytty fugitive
Killed 3 confirmed so far wound a couple others wounded. I'm not sure if the two that went down just now are yet.
But some one with your posting history shouldn't throw rocks at the Black Bane breh. He'll leave you in leaking.
I mirrored the live footage
Christopher Jordan Dorner - Last Resort (Manifesto against the LAPD) - illablog
CNN said he might have a rocket launcher. A ROCKET LAUNCHER!!! Good god.