Ronnie Lott
I am thinking. You're taking something as simple as a job and equating it to police brutality which occurs every single day, with no ramifications or repercussions. For the millionth time, he didn't just "get fired". He got fired because he didn't stand behind the "Blue Line" of abuse, cover ups and corruption. He did his best as a human being to erase brutality and in the process, was erased from his job from doing any good for society. Now, hes fighting fire with fire and exposing police departments for what they really are. They started a war with him and hes fighting back. Nothing is really fair when you tarnish a man with immoral tactics and he has his mind set on cleaning up a mess. In war, innocent people pay with their lives everyday. You can look at "the drug war" for examples.
So let me get this straight. Are u condoning or justifying dudes actions?