My father used to be in LAPD (Cali state trooper now); I never knew why he left LAPD. Maybe the shyt that dude's mad about is why, who knows......
But anyway, I don't really agree with the killing of the innocents. But, you can't call him a coward just because he didn't go to the police station and shoot. You have to remember: This guy has tactical training and shyt. He is using STRATEGY. Think about it: If your deployed as infantry in the middle of Iraq, your not gonna just run up by yourself into a terrorist stronghold shooting shyt up on some deranged shyt, and expect to get out alive. You would be vastly outnumbered...Same thing on the streets: A bunch of nikkaz with guns you don't like are on the corner. There is only ONE of you with a pistol. You decide to just run up on nikkaz, even though their all holding. What you think's gonna happen? You may get one or two or maybe even three, but most likely you ain't coming back from that shyt. It doesn't seem like dude's trying to be a martyr either....
Get my drift?