You in your feelings because you are a woman who dates white boys. No rational discussion to be had with you, you gonna be in your feelings and on Teamwhiteboy no matter how much truth and or logic is thrown upon you. I dont have the time Ma'.....
As for bm that date wm (i know you from lipstick alley with these abbreviations), i dont, never have and never will date white women. Alot of the brothas that date white women might suffer from some sort of self hate, i honestly dont know any personally. Every married couple or stable relationship i know is black-black. Alot of them probably are Uncle Toms using a white woman as a accessory or simply couldn't get top quality women in their prime. Who knows, and who the fukk cares?
Because we all know black men possess the most racial pride over all other men...
Tsk, tsk now when did I declare which group I dated exclusively? I just said I wouldn't mind getting my Leo DiCaprio on and y'all nigs caught feelings.
And btw, abbreviations are much easier to use. Duh.
But if I *do* include white boys in the mix of who I date primarily, who are you to judge me as irratonal? I believe that you are projecting. Indeed, you are the one in your own feelings.
And lol at those of you who *say* you only date bw but what you *do* is simp over the first white girl who is desperate for a man so she chases bm because she knows her time is running out and black dudes have a reputation for being incredibly easy to simp for marriage and relationships with 'others'.
Or when they want to parade around their designer pet nikka.
Or these black porn dudes falling in love with these white porn actresses, kissing them in the mouth and shyt.
Or that black guy that went on the Bachelor show and started boo hoo crying on camera when he got dismissed (in the first round).
Or the many instances in real life when I've seen a bm ALLOW his ww to call him a ******. Or blatantly disrespect his family.
Or that time I was at the zoo and saw a ww on a date with a wm and the date apparently wasn't really going well so she started bringing up how black men simp for her.
I could go on....
And y'all have *how* many pages over one (1) 'bedwench'??? One???!!!!
If bw recounted every instance in which y'all caused extreme embarrassment to our race the internet would crash.
Does that mean all BM that explore their options dating is a self-hater? Absolutely not.
But don't catch feelings all of a sudden once the tables are turned.