I'm still waiting for "swirlers" to take WM to task for their silence on this...
If this had of been a black couple, with a black husband that said and did absolutely nothing to stop her humiliation by the cop...and if there weren't leagues of black men to protest and "support" her...we wouldn't hear the end of it.
There would be all types of "open letters", blogs, online petitions, discussion threads etc to no longer "support" and march with black men and how we don't "support" them in their time of need.
SO I have to ask...WHERE are the WM who love BW at on this?
Why aren't they stepping up, supporting them, and taking them to task for this?
Where are the protests? The chanting? The Marching?, Why aren't they carrying signs and writing and phoning their congressmen about how pissed off they are about this?
Their local government officials should have their phones ringing off the hook with ANGRY white men who are just livid about this...Where are they at???
According to BW, they claim that there's a silent majority of WM who are LOVE bw and are too intimidated to speak up about it.
When are they going to voice their disapproval about this?
Where are the boycotts and the riots???
When are the swirlers and swirling sympathizers going to come up with answers?