As Hebrew is a verb-based language, all its nouns, adjectives, adverbs and, of course, verb inflexions can be traced back ultimately to (normally three-lettered) verbal roots, which are designated as (i) the פ pe-letter, (ii) the ע 'ayin-letter and (iii) the ל lammed-letter—the letters פ pe, ע 'ayin, ל lammed spell פָָָּעַַל pa'al = 'he worked' or 'he did' (a word that is used to denote a verb in its simplest form).
All Hebrew verbs can exist in one or more of the seven different בִִּנְְיָָָנִִים binyanim (singular בִִּנְְיָָָן binyan, a word that literally means 'building' or, in the grammatical context, a 'conjugation' or 'paradigm'). A Hebrew verb has three active binyanim, and they are called
All Hebrew verbs can exist in one or more of the seven different בִִּנְְיָָָנִִים binyanim (singular בִִּנְְיָָָן binyan, a word that literally means 'building' or, in the grammatical context, a 'conjugation' or 'paradigm'). A Hebrew verb has three active binyanim, and they are called
- פָָָּעַַל pa'al or 'simple (active)',
- פִִּעֵֵל pi'el or 'intensive (active)' and
- הִִפְְעִִיל hif'il or 'causative (active)'.
- נִִפְְעַַל nif'al or 'simple (passive)',
- פֻֻֻּעַַל pu'al or 'intensive (passive)' and
- הֻֻֻפְְעַַל huf'al (sometimes הׇׇׇפְְעַַל hοf'al) or 'causative (passive)'.
- הִִתְְפַַּעֵֵל hitpa'el,
The root of the noun תְְּפִִלָָָּה t'fillah ('prayer') is פ.ל.ל, which has the basic meaning of judging, though not usually in the judicial sense (for which ש.פ.ט would be used instead). The verb-root פ.ל.ל invariably occurs in בִִּנְְיַַן הִִתְְפַַּעֵֵל binyan hitpa'el (the reflexive form) when it has the sense of praying and, when this is the case, can also have the meaning of בַַּקָָָּשָָָׁה baḳḳashah (a petitionary prayer) as inוַַתֹֹּ֨אמֶֶֶר֙ בִִּ֣י אֲֲֲדֹֹנִִ֔י חֵֵ֥י נַַפְְשְְׁךָָ֖ אֲֲֲדֹֹנִִ֑י אֲֲֲנִִ֣י הָָֽאִִשָָָּׁ֗ה הַַנִִּצֶֶּ֤בֶֶֶת עִִמְְּכָָָה֙ בָָָּזֶֶֶּ֔ה לְְהִִתְְפַַּלֵֵּ֖ל אֶֶֶל־יְְיָָֽ׃Hannah said to 'Eli, 'Please, Sir—as surely as your soul lives, Sir—I am that woman who was standing here with you to pray to Adοnai... (Sh'muël Alef 1:26)
אֶֶֶל־הַַנַַּ֥עַַר הַַזֶֶּ֖ה הִִתְְפַַּלָָּ֑לְְתִִּי וַַיִִּתֵֵּ֨ן יְְיָָ֥ לִִי֙ אֶֶֶת־שְְׁאֵֵ֣לָָָתִִ֔י אֲֲֲשֶֶׁ֥ר שָָָׁאַַ֖לְְתִִּי מֵֵֽעִִמּֽוֹֹ׃...[it was] for this child that I was praying and Adοnai has granted my request that I asked of Him.' (Sh'muël Alef 1:27)