If u marry a white chick who was by your side and believing in you before you got wealthy (i.e. high school or college sweetheart etc), that's different. Because was down for you from the beginning. But the white chicks who come flocking out the woodworks as soon as you become successful?

nikkas say black women are golddiggers, white women are experts and nikkas don't even notice because they think white women love us for our "swag" and confidence etc, but how many white girls are rushing to marry a regular nikka who works at Target?
Have these nikkas seen the divorce rate between black men and white women? And ask a cac, white women are known to try to get as much as they can out of a divorce. Not even knocking their hustle, because they're smart enough to know that there are plenty of successful black men who are gullible enough to wife them just off their whiteness alone. nikkas think white = good, pure, innocent, angelic, even though she wouldn't want him if he was working at Wal Mart.
There's a lot of single black women who the nikka could have wifed and given a better life to. If there weren't do many single black women, some of which trying hard to make it, it'd be different, but it's like

shyt is so predictable, it's like a running joke now. Was Samantha and Amber checking for you when you were a regular nikka? Crazy part is, it's been shown that black men with higher salaries tend to date/marry out more than black men who earn less. nikkas with the most money are increasingly likely to marry a non black woman, like that billionaire Robert Smith dude who wifed that Playboy bunny,instead of upgrading a black woman.