I'm Muslim. If a woman converted to Islaam, she should do it so that she attains eternal Paradise after death rather than eternal Hellfire. I think Christian women need to see a Muslim man that's about what he claims and then perhaps they will switch from worshiping a human being Jesus... to only Allaah (the One True God).
I just want to clarify something, since i have Coptic and Muslim relatives. Like Islam which has different schools of thoughts, or let say division example Sunni, Shia, Alawite, Sufis, ismailis, and druze. Like islam there are different school of thoughts, some Christian believe that God, Jesus or what they consider the "holy spirit" as one entity, and Mary having semi divine attributes as being the mother of "God" in other words the "holy" Trinity. Other groups refute that, and believe that God, and the "Isa" are separate individuals, but "Isa" represented a subordinate roll, but representing him in the earth. Other i heard say, that "Isa" is actually the Archangel Michael, that was sent down to represent "God" or "Jwh" or "Ywh" for the earth as a representative of "Jah" or "Yah", to redeem mankind from our sins.
I know many Muslims have trouble with the reference "Son", including my father relatives who happens to be Muslim. When a Christian used the term "son" in regards to "Isa" and God, it is not God having a wife, because marriage is a earthly function according to Christian doctrine. It is more to do with the spiritual connection btw the Creator and the one that been created. Nothing to do with God having a wife. According to Christianity, Angels are neither male or female in the spiritual realm, but simply angels. A total different creation from humans, who are assigned a sex at our conception.