Ladies, why would a man be lucky to marry a woman like you?


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
-great sense of humor



-able to function being alone, and giving you space to do whatever you want

-very supportive, affectionate, and nurturing :hug:

-good cook

-came from two parent home (lol see what I did there)

-I like video games, and comic books

-willing, and wants to be the submissive one in the relationship

-financially well off, and a very hard worker

-knows place as far as being the woman, and letting you be the man

-freak in the sheets lady in the streets :jawalrus:

edit: I forgot to add intelligent...but men don't care about women being smart do they :dwillhuh:

If you added "-works out frequently" to that list, :whew:


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
Seriously though:
I'm pretty easy going
I don't complain
I geniunely enjoy cleaning as long as I can listen to music during
I cook and bake
I'm not a financial strain (I go shopping less than twice a year, I don't mind no name brands :manny:)
I can roll
I can fix almost anything no matter how frustrated I get
I'm naturally good with kids of all ages, was a bible camp Councillor/school lunch monitor/tutor/babysitter
I don't want a wedding, only a two week honeymoon vacay

I feel like this is shyt I've said in an interview recently :patrice:

:wow: No wedding costs, right to the honeymoon

I'm nice, I'll make you good food, and I won't cheat. :smile:

I wouldn't say someone is "lucky" to have me though. I dunno, seems kinda arrogant. :lupe:

I'd feel lucky to have you :to:

-great sense of humor



-able to function being alone, and giving you space to do whatever you want

-very supportive, affectionate, and nurturing :hug:

-good cook

-came from two parent home (lol see what I did there)

-I like video games, and comic books

-willing, and wants to be the submissive one in the relationship

-financially well off, and a very hard worker

-knows place as far as being the woman, and letting you be the man

-freak in the sheets lady in the streets :jawalrus:

edit: I forgot to add intelligent...but men don't care about women being smart do they :dwillhuh:

submissive and likes nerd stuff :wow:

Now thats cool and all but the deal breaker is..... could I freely nut inside yall though? My access to the gut walls is a deal breaker. :mjpls:


May 5, 2012
If you added "-works out frequently" to that list, :whew:

My former avi was proof of this

submissive and likes nerd stuff :wow:

Now thats cool and all but the deal breaker is..... could I freely nut inside yall though? My access to the gut walls is a deal breaker. :mjpls:

:mjpls: That won't even be a question



Frozen Flames Goddess
Jul 19, 2012
Goddess power
He's lucky to have me bc I'm an experience.

I'm loyal and will have his back thru whatever as long as he's honest. I'm a great homemaker ( and protective of it) and good company. He will love to come home everyday. I keep it fun and interesting. We can build together. Money is never an issue. Basically, I bring a level of comfort and stability to the table. There's nothing he/we can't have, within our means of course.


Jul 15, 2012
"Important qualities" really depend on the type of man you are dating.I'll just go by the things that my bf or people I've dated said:

- Last week, I opened up photo booth and jokingly told my bf, let's record our own reality show. He said, "it would be a waste of time because we don't have enough drama." (generally speaking, I am pretty much drama free and have been that way since like high school/freshman year of college).

- Along the same lines, I know how to communicate, have disagreements, or express hurt/dissatisfaction without it turning to a shouting match, raising my voice, cursing, or name calling. I will also apologize if/when I am wrong. I'm pretty flexible.

- I don't let titles "go to my head"/my personality and my actions don't change just because we take the next step. I don't all of sudden become a crazy domineering person just because we put a title on things.

- I'm amazing when it comes to finances (budgeting, saving, investing, and etc.) and handling business in general.

- I am good sounding board. I've always been the type of person who people come to when they need to get something done and they don't quite know how or have the time to accomplish it.

- I love children and they love me back. I was an elementary school teacher and am now an education researcher. Although life has no guarantees, I have the skills, ability, and connections to help my future children succeed in school. Also, I love my future children so much that I've made sure not to have them before I'm ready (I've never been pregnant/no abortions or miscarriages).

- I constantly strive to be/do better. I'm not the complacent type (in any aspect of my life from career to appearance to relationship dynamics to cooking).

- I can cook just about any type of cuisine. I am currently learning to cook popular West/Central African dishes.

- I can navigate just about any circle without issues (you can take me anywhere, around anyone and know that they will leave with a good impression of both of us).

- I truly have no issue with letting the man take the lead. ***The key to this is I only date men who I feel are good decision makers so I don't have to worry about where I am being led. If I don't trust a guy's decision making skills we would never reach a point where he has the chance to propose.***

- I've never cheated, and I have no plans to change that.

I am sure the above qualities are present in a lot of other women (I don't think they are unique). They are simply what I feel I bring to the table.

Layla Hunnam

Goddess of BK
Jul 25, 2013
North Scorea

I cook, clean & im not one to be stalking a guy always wondering where he is, pretty laid back for the most part. Wouldn't cheat & im genuinely nice. I wouldn't say "lucky" though. Don't need a nikka to be "balling" either, Im smart about money.

Although me not being one to constantly keep tabs hasn't worked out in the past...