Ladies....What Would You Do If Your Husband Suddenly Became A Loser??


All Star
Aug 14, 2015
Me, myself and I
If it was the other way around and the wife was depressed, gained weight, stop cooking and cleaning the guys would have been encouraging the husband to cheat on her fat ass, demand that she lose the blubber or dead the relationship. And everyone here knows this. Those post would get dapped and repped. I can't stand the hypocrisy on this board.

Yes, I am his emotional support system, but he needs help. Have you ever been around depressed people? This used to be my job. It is emotional draining for the loved ones around the person, especially if they refuse help.

I am all for being there for my husband, but he has to meet me half way and get help. If he is not willing to get help then what am I supposed to do? Watch him sink deeper and deeper?


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
If it was the other way around and the wife was depressed, gained weight, stop cooking and cleaning the guys would have been encouraging the husband to cheat on her fat ass, demand that she lose the blubber or dead the relationship. And everyone here knows this. Those post would get dapped and repped. I can't stand the hypocrisy on this board.

Yes, I am his emotional support system, but he needs help. Have you ever been around depressed people? This used to be my job. It is emotional draining for the loved ones around the person, especially if they refuse help.

I am all for being there for my husband, but he has to meet me half way and get help. If he is not willing to get help then what am I supposed to do? Watch him sink deeper and deeper?
I don't know about other guys but I wouldn't divorce my wife unless I discovered she was ungreatful.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
If it was the other way around and the wife was depressed, gained weight, stop cooking and cleaning the guys would have been encouraging the husband to cheat on her fat ass, demand that she lose the blubber or dead the relationship. And everyone here knows this. Those post would get dapped and repped. I can't stand the hypocrisy on this board.

Yes, I am his emotional support system, but he needs help. Have you ever been around depressed people? This used to be my job. It is emotional draining for the loved ones around the person, especially if they refuse help.

I am all for being there for my husband, but he has to meet me half way and get help. If he is not willing to get help then what am I supposed to do? Watch him sink deeper and deeper?
Me personally, If I choose to marry someone I'm there for life, unless she gets abusive or cheats then its my responsibility as the person that made a vow to both her and before God to stick by her and do everything in my power to help her get better in sickness and health. Hopefully that happens, if not then I have to hold that L.

But that's just me, If I choose a woman to marry it wont be of some infatuation, looks, money, or anything like that. It'll be because I genuinely can see myself spending my life with the woman and I care for her regardless how high up she climbs or low she falls.

I can understand people not wanting to deal with a spouse that turns into something you dont like or never expected... but imo thats part of marriage dealing with that if it comes up. Because if the reserve happen and he or she became rich and in shape most people would spend however long it took to make it through the hard times and stick by that person's side.